Ninja Gaiden 3 is an upcoming action-adventure video game developed by Team Ninja and published by Tecmo Koei. It is the sequel to Ninja Gaiden II and will be released in early 2012. It will be the first title in the series not to be directed by franchise mainstay, Tomonobu Itagaki. In his place will be the designer of the Sigma series, Yosuke Hayashi. The game will explore Ryu's more human side as he descends into a hellish realm. It will deal with the sword of the Archfiend from Ninja Gaiden II
Ninja Gaiden 3 will yet again feature Ryu Hayabusa as the main character. Although his black leather outfit from the previous two installments will make another appearance, Ryu has been seen with a new metallic black suit in recent screenshots. It has a few visible differences as well. His toes are now covered with metal, presumably used for his new Kunai Climb. Furthermore, Ryu's right arm was cursed in Ninja Gaiden II. This will play an integral role in the game's story, and due to this, he no longer wears his right gauntlet.
In the E3 2011 gameplay demo, it is revealed that Ryu gets a request from the Japanese Self-Defense Force, the Ministry of External Affairs. He is sent to London where he fights unidentified terrorists. A mysterious hooded opponent appears at the end of the trailer, telling Ryu to "open [his] eyes".
source: wikipedia
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