Admit it, the PS2 launch lineup sucked. We all went out to buy The Bouncer, we thought that Summoner would be the greatest RPG ever made, we wanted Street Fighter EX3 to be the series' true transition into 3D, and we were all disappointed. However, one bright beacon really shone above the rest; Tekken Tag Tournament was a great launch title that really showcased the processing muscle that the PS2 was capable of, offering up great-looking character models and fast, fluid combat.
Other games in the Tekken franchise have come and gone, but the one that I always found myself drawn to Tekken Tag Tournament. The excellent tag system was simple and intuitive, feeling unique even compared with other tag-based fighting games like the Marvel vs. Capcom franchise. The game totally holds up, and was something that I would continue to revisit for years. Now that fighter has gotten the HD (and 3D) treatment courtesy of Tekken Hybrid, an HD package that includes a remake of Tekken Tag Tournament, a 3D version of the CGI film Tekken: Blood Vengeance, and a playable teaser for Tekken Tag Tournament 2
In order to play either of the game components, you must first install them to your hard drive in full. While they don't have a huge footprint at a little over a gig a piece, you'll still need to have the the Tekken Hybrid Blu-ray in your system to play them.
The main component of this pack is a 3D version of the CGI film, Tekken: Blood Vengeance. The film's story isn't great -- as you might expect, and there are some really dull periods and pacing issues. It is a lot better than the dismal live-action Tekken film from 2010, and boasts some pretty cool fight scenes. The film actually benefits from 3D, as this will be the preferred way of watching it if you have the means to.
The second (and argruably most important) part of Tekken Hybrid is the HD version of Tekken Tag Tournament. This is a full version of the original PS2 game, with its full roster of fighters (all unlocked from the beginning), the full movie/music gallery, and the awesome Tekken Bowl mini-game.
The action in Tekken Tag Tournament is as fast-paced and tight as ever. The classic Tekken move set returns, but Tag represents one of the most different approaches to the Tekken formula, as you have two characters to send into battle, instead of just one. As rounds end when one character is KO'd, switching your characters must be done quickly and efficiently. This coupled with the game's Netsu Power system, which charges up your resting fighter while the other one takes damage, requires you to not only switch your character out before they get knocked out, but also leave them in the fight just long enough to take sufficient damage to empower your other fighter. Mastery of this system requires patience and skill, and is one of the better examples of a tag-in tag-out system in a fighting game.
Almost of paramount importance in Tekken Tag Tournament is Tekken Bowl. This bowling mini-game (also unlocked from the beginning) could just seem like a throwaway extra, but it's an exceptionally fun and well-balanced bowling game in its own right. As in the fighting game, you'll select a team of two fighters and have them bowl a standard 10 frames, each character with their own bowling strengths and weaknesses. For example, faster characters like Xiaoyu won't be able to throw the ball quite as fast as their stronger counterparts like Gun Jack, but will have better control. The way to take the best advantage of this is by selecting a team of one heavy fighter and one lighter one, affording you a giant roll at first and then letting you pick up the remaining pins with a more controlled one secondly. Tekken Bowl is an blast to play, and extremely addicting for a mini-game.
If anything is sorely lacking from Tekken Tag HD, it's online. Sure, the original game didn't have online capabilities when it released during the PS2's launch, but this feature would've gone leaps and bounds towards extending some of the game's replayability.
Graphically, Tekken Tag Tournament looks pretty good in it's HD form, with the great animations and smooth clip moving holding up well. The character models and environments aren't quite so lucky, with some of the characters looking blocky and lacking detail when compared to latter Tekkens. However, as an HD update of a PS2 launch title, Tekken Tag looks pretty damn good.
The third component of the pack is Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Prologue. Offering up four fighters (Xiaoyu, Alisa, Devil Jin, and Kazuya; who perhaps not coincidentally all factor into Blood Vengeance's plot pretty heavily) and a few stages, Prologue is a slight tease for the upcoming sequel. However, in an effort to make this addition more than a glorified demo, the developers have added trophy support. As you can imagine, the trophies aren't too time-consuming to snatch up, and your efforts will earn you a handful of silvers and one gold trophy.
As Prologue is simply a teaser for an upcoming game, I can't really use it as a metric to critique the game. However, I will say that Prologue hits all of the points of what should be a great sequel to Tag, with the same brand of fluid combat, great graphics, as well as new features like dynamic environments and great new tag throws.
Closing Comments
When you break Tekken Hybrid into its respective elements, it’s really not a bad deal. Factor about $25 bucks for a 3D Blu-ray film and an additional $15 for Tekken Tag HD, and the $40 price makes more sense (since Tekken Tag 2 Prologue is basically a beefed up demo, we’ll just count that one as a freebie). However, as an all-or-nothing pack, Tekken Hybrid all but requires you to wholeheartedly want to purchase both the film and the HD reboot of the game; if you aren’t sold on or are ambivalent to one of those halves, you won’t be getting your money’s worth out of Tekken Hybrid.
That being said, for the Tekken purists out there, there is a lot to love. From the 3D film to the HD-ified Tekken Tag Tournament, if you are a super fan of the series, this is a solid chunk of Tekken content, and a fine way to pass the time until Tekken Tag Tournament 2 hits.
by Steven Hopper
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