Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Trine 2 Walkthrough

The Story Begins
  1. You start as the snoozing Amadeus. When you awaken, head to the right and notice the on-screen instructions to learn your controls. Jump to clear an obstacle, then use the bubble to grab the orb and slide down the hill, where you’ll be taught to use your magic to levitate objects. Clear the boulder, then use your next magic skill, that of creating a box, to retrieve the orbs above you. Use one to reach the orb above you, then push it to the right to reach the next ledge. Then conjur another box to leap to the left and retrieve the third orb. Push the box to the right to reach the final orb before moving on.
  2. Conjur a box to use the seesawing log before you, and jump onto the toadstool, then up again immediately to reach the next orb. Proceed to the right to meet the Trine and Pontius.
  3. Now it’s time to get the hang of your knight. The controls are the same, but you strike with one button and defend with the other. Use your sword to defeat the nefarious plants ahead, and master the jump attack to move along to the next section. Use the pumpkins to bounce to orbs in the sky, and then push the wagon into the water wheel to reach the plant and activate the wheel. At the bottom, switch weapons to the hammer to clear your path. After that you’ll be cued to learn how to use your shield, and then you’ll reach the Trine.
  4. Finally, orientation with Zoya, your thief. Ascend the wall ahead of you, use your arrows to drop the big rock, then shoot the platform above you to get the orb. In the next section, use your grapple to reach the next orb. Then you will learn to swing from the grapple, how to climb it, and then how to wall jump, earning orbs and finally reaching the Trine.

Forlorn Wilderness
  1. Use the grapple to reach the orb up and to your left. Then use it to proceed, staying up high. When you reach the first obstacle, bring down the log to proceed. Use the knight to break apart the wood surrounding the orb beneath where the log was. Shoot the flower immediately above to drop another orb. Next you find your first true puzzle. Grapple the right side of the log to bring water down, creating a mushroom. Then use levitation to move the catching leaf to grow the second shroom. Gather the orbs, then return the spilling water to the right, and drop a crate on the tipped log to grow more shrooms. There is a hidden orb in some debris on the right, then move up. Around now you should hit 50 orbs and be able to upgrade a power! Remember, you can change your upgrades on the fly as often as you like without penalty, so use them to fit the appropriate situation as much as you want.
  2. In the next chamber you’ll see a rock drop, then jump across and drop your own rock to proceed. Use the hammer to clear the path, grab the orb that drops, and stay as the knight to take on the goblins who face you next. Once they’re gone, use the thief to grab the orbs up above.
  3. Next, conjur a crate to raise yourself up on the platform, then jump across to the bridge to move on. Stand at the very edge of the bridge and levitate the wooden crate to yourself. Build a stack of four crates to reach a very large orb. Conjur another box to your right to block the plant’s fireballs. Move past it then above it to get two more orbs and crush it. Keep going all the way to the right on the bottom for a couple of orbs and a goblin or two. Head back up to the right, riding the swinging rocks, moving to the right to match their pace when you’re on them. A pack of goblins will attack then, and you’ll need a ranged attack for the archer and the knight for the footsoldiers. Blocking will be essential.
  4. There’s another fire plant on the other side, so block it, and then levitate and drop the crate you see above. Bash open the wall to the right, then again. Use a crate to block the fire plants, and use the knight’s block to get past. Use the switch and right about now you should be getting another upgrade! Proceed back the way you came, go up, avoid the boulder, kill the goblin, and then follow the boulder’s path for some loot. Jump over it to proceed. Jump up and grapple the swinging log to reach the leaf above you, then use the bubbles to ascend. Conjur a crate to reach the highest orb, then look for a treasure chest on your right. Collectible!
  5. Use crate and levitate the half log to create a “slide” for the water, then use the grapple to pour it on the left side, onto the plant and that will clear your path! Next you’ll see something scary that is certainly coming up again soon. Kill two goblins and do some shroom jumping to proceed. Then you’ll find a clever little puzzle. Let the log beneath you go, then throw the lever so that the log gets pinched in the lower platform. By the time you reach it, it will bounce back a little and you can leap off it to move up and to the right. If you blow it, levitate the log back up and keep it in place with a little crate until you’re ready.
  6. Shove the block off the edge to kill the goblin, then prepare to kill a couple more. The big block plus a crate will let you move up and over, where there will be an archer waiting. Drop a crate in between the fire plants, climb up and get ready for a posse of goblins. The final one, an archer, is in hiding, so hit him with an arrow. Then conjur a crate to climb up and over. In the next section, drop a crate before the lowest plant, jump up and over it for shelter, then keep going. Use your knight to kill the archer, then use a crate to get up to the left for your loot.
  7. Use levitate to fix the pipe to reach the next section, and use the power of the air to retrieve the orbs. Finally you will reach the snake temple. Boss fight? Boss fight. Whlie the attacks are impressive and the goblins will keep coming, the offense is deceptively simple. There are three wooden platforms in the air between you and him. Destroy them. If you dodge, he’ll take out the one above you eventually, but you can drop crates on the other two and be done in no time. If you’re fast, you don’t even have to get in harms way. First big bad down!
Mudwater Vale
  1. From here on out you’re on your own for collecting all the orbs, this walkthrough will simply get you past the puzzles and the challenges.
  2. Move to the right and note the beehives. You can shoot them to drop them on enemies. A goblin archer is the first enemy you’ll encounter, and soon after, you’ll bump into the first of several big goblins you will face. They’re fast as they come at you, but they have no projectiles and they don’t take any more damage than the smaller goblins. Use the grapple to ascend when you reach the first spikes, and cross the pit over the top, going up and over the swinging log. Stay up top in the next section and go from log to log. After that, you’ll face an archer, a whole wave of big goblins, and then two more archers will drop down on platforms. Start with the knight and switch up to take out the ranged attackers as necessary.
  3. At the next puzzle, drop the box in front of you before the flamethrower, then conjur a crate above you. Pull the lever, then move the crate to keep the wheel in place, keeping the gate open. For the next puzzle, pull a pipe from the flames to the bottom right, and use them to make a funnel that blows air under the ramp, pushing it upright. Conjur crates to ascend it.
  4. Two more big goblins will attack you in the next room. After dispatching them, use the grapple to ascend, then move right. Use the box to get past the flames, then climb on it to get over the next blockade. When you reach the giant frog, shoot the apple so it drops, then use it to follow the frog’s tongue up and over him. When you reach the next level, be very cautious, as these beehives WILL fall on you. Then follows another wave of big goblins and two archers. Following that, stay high and move from log to log, platform to platform, and rock to rock using the theif. Ride a wind-blown bubble to ascend the next section.
  5. Another wave of goblins, same thing again. Then, use the pipe chained near the flame pipe, and the one above you to turn the flame on the beehive to clear it. Use the second lever to open the gate. Chat with the flower to finish the level.
Moonlight Marsh
  1. The pit before you is filled with death, so time your jump carefully, as these platforms, of course, drop. A big goblin will drop in behind you as soon as you move on in the next area. Use the two crates given you, plus one conjured one, to cross the next gas pit. As you move on, you will drop, and fight goblins, including two archers above you. When they’re clear, switch to the theif to jump up and climb across the dropping platforms back to your left to find a chest! Move on, staying up to avoid damage, and when you reach a retracted platform, you’ll fight another wave of goblins. At the bottom right you’ll see an air pipe. Rebuild it to make it pump into the water to reach the next section. Climb through the log and use a crate to change the flow of the water. Levitate the bottom log to water the plant. Move along to face another wave of goblins, and then you’ll hop across dropping platforms and dodge swinging logs with spikes on them. Watch them for your paces, and feel free to let them kill as many goblins as get in the way.
  2. The next section is another watering the plant bit. Use two crates to weigh down the ramp on the left of the log pipe, then one to weigh down the left side of the log pipe itself. Use your levitate ability to move the leaf over the log, causing the water to spill back and forth to the sparkles below. Then put the big crate from the ground level on the highest platform, slide it as far as you can to the right, and use it to leap to the leaf. The plank comes in handy here, too. After that, you’ll drop down into a big chamber.
  3. Meet the biggest goblin ever! Ignore the switch for now, and when he swings at you, get him to hit something wood, and then take advantage of that to beat up on him. Once you get the pattern, he goes down pretty fast. Operate the huge switch to move through the gate. Thought that was it for the level, didn’t you? Well, it almost is. Use the wizard’s levitate ability to lift the platform’s “legs” to move across the gas.
Petrified Tree
  1. Move to the right, break through the barrier with the knight, and then move through the lab. Use a bubble to get up and over. In the next room, use levitate to move the boulder through the mirror and onto the button to move on. Through the door you will be attacked by a giant spider, so have the knight ready, AND be ready to defend. Move on, float up on a bubble, and hit the button in front of the pipe to move the gate in front of you. Bring both crates in front of the gate, and use them to jump up and onto it when it rotates, so you can get onto the other side.
  2. Next you’ll learn to play with portals for real. Use the two switches to manipulate them, and if you fall, use the wind pipe to blow yourself back up to the main level. The more you drop through portals, the more momentum you build, so it’s easy to pop up over the railing on the far side. Conjur a crate to open the gate button and then go up and over. Hey, you didn’t miss those goblins, did you? Because I think they missed you. Another wave of several big guys and several archers is next. Then use the shield to get past the fire wheel that comes up next.
  3. Use the next series of portals to channel the flame into the cauldron, then ride the bubble to the top. If you drop down and go to the right instead, you’ll see the secret chest. Use the shield to get past the flames on the next section, head all the way to the right, then use levitate to adjust the right flame cannon. Then you’ll have to use the open spaces to adjust the switch. You’ll need to move it, run, run back, and keep moving it. Fortunately it rolls back slowly, but it’ll take a couple fo pulls. Through the door is another open section with lots of goblins. Use the hammer to clear the barrier up top to move on.
  4. You’ll head through a library and then run into a spider. Toast it, then move up. Look for another spider to attack from above. Then leap across the dropping platforms, then use the grapple to lower yourself safely past the next shooting plant. In the next section, move the portal so it absorbs the flame, allowing you to safely ascend on the bubble. Use the ascending and descending platforms to get up, go under the gate, throw the switch, and through the door. Now you’re at the end of hte level and OH MY GOD!
Shadowed Hills
  1. Use the wizard’s crates and a plank to create a bridge halfway across the burning chasm, then jump to hit the switch. Break through the barrier and move into the building. The easiest way to get through the next section is by putting two crates (one is already here) in a stack and putting two planks across. Place a crate on the first switch you see, then place one up on the platform. Push it to the right so the crate presses the button and the barrel on the rolling platform is on the second button. Enter the door.
  2. Don’t remove the pipe below you, or salamanders will start crawling out of the cauldron. Instead, put a plank across the fire and run. You’ll take some damage, but make it. Then change to the knight to kill the spider, and go up and back to the left. Stack crates to reach the next level. Then jump off, following the orbs, and prepare to jump fast as the platforms drop. Keep an eye on the platforms, as the first and last ones drop on their own. Leap down when the last one is starting to come back up again and skip the first one altogether. You’ll have to kill another spider if you drop down. Pull the lever to open the door to move on.
  3. Next is a section with two fire wheels. Keep your shield up and it’s easy to get past. Jump over the rumbling boulders to move up the stairs, and you’ll confront a spider. One hit will drop it down to you, where it’ll be easy to take care of. In the next section, drop down. Make a small crate and use it to break the shelf that a pipe is sitting on to the bottom left. Use that to build a wind pipe going through the portal on the left, then follow it through to reach the next area. Take the bubble up to the next level, killing the spider on the way. Drop down, killing salamanders, all the way to the bottom, where you will dismantle pipes that keep bringing them out of cauldrons, then proceed right. Use the portals to reach the orbs, then move the crate onto the platform to open the hatch.
  4. Head along through the passage, read the book, and jump into the portal to move on. Getting up the next platforms is all a matter of timing, jump all the way left, then back again, and jump as soon as they’re starting to come back up. Move the portal so the projectiles go through it to hit the switch, then build a bridge across the pit. There are spiders now, so watch for them, then jump over the next pit, stand in the middle of all the projectiles, and drop the big crate to use to reach the next ledge. Ride the wheel back and forth to get it to move, then jump across to keep it moving to the right, and jump to the floating platform there. Leap to the switch and pull it to keep moving.
  5. Place a plank and crate bridge on the edge as far out as you can without it being hit by the dropping crates, then leap across. Drop into the portal, and use the momentum to reach the swinging platform. In the next section, you’ll face some spiders, and then a pit. Move the portal all the way to the left, drop in and appear up top, moving immediately to the right to avoid being dropped. Then place a plank across the gap and drop onto it immediately, then instantly jumping because it will break apart very quickly. In the next area, use the wizard to pull the pipe out from beneath the first cauldron, and flip it over to kill the boil. Then pull the switch and head off up and to the left. Keep moving and you’ll reach the end.
Hushing Grove
  1. It’s quiet. Too quiet. Move to the right until you meet some goblins. Dust them, then break through the barrier. Use the lantern or stealth to distract the venus fly trap, then run past. Grapple above you to pull open an easy path above. Stay up high, look out for goblins, and you’ll be way better off than taking the low road. Ascend to your right, throw a hammer to break open the barrier to move on, then jump off the leaf when the path is clear. Use stealth again to get past the next flower, pull the switch, and then head up and right.
  2. Next is a horde of goblins, including heavy armored ones, backed up by a archer with fire arrows. Time your leaps and use crates to avoid the two sections of jumping with leaves and guns. In the next section, use a crate to block the cog in the open position. Use the hammer to drop through the floor for a collectible, then ascend the leaves. Use the grapple to get onto the bridge. Again, use the stealth mode to get past the next stretch of flowers, using the grapple to stay high, and kill the goblin archer at the end. For the next challenge, use a crate to pull down the switch behind the waterwheel assembly, and leave it there, balanced, to buy you a couple of extra seconds to make it across the dropping platforms.
  3. The next section is spiders, so stealth out or fight your way past, hop over the edge at the end and move on for a collectible, otherwise back track up and to the left. Break through the barrier on the small, highest platform, before you get there, or you’ll die. Then use the leaves to make your way across. At the next spot, throw the two logs onto the conveyor, stack then, and then use them to ascend the next ledge. Drop down through the hatch to the next area. Toast the archer fast if you can, because a bigger threat is coming. Another bonecruncher goblin. He goes down the same way, so just avoid the club and break out the heavy weaponry!
  4. Move to the left, place a crate past the switch, throw the switch, and then move the crate to keep the platform up. Use it to ascend to the left, avoid the cannon, leap over the swinging rock, and head left to the next continue point. Use two planks to get the water from the bulb to the ground, jump up and over, and into the hollow log. Keep moving to the right to reach the end of the level.
Mushroom Caves
  1. There will be an archer goblin to take care of. Above you is a water bulb, use the thrown hammer or an exploding barrel to open the way to it, and that will bring up some leaves. Use the leaves and time your jumps to avoid the projectiles, then leap up the next ledge. There’s another archer across the way and a spider overhead, and two more leaves to use in your crossing. Then break the barrier to drop down. Head across the bottom and up on the left. Halfway up, you’ll see a swinging platform and a big goblin. From the top leaf across the platform, throw a hammer to the ledge above, then place a small crate and use it to leap up to the area you just cleared. Grow the next plant above and use to to get across.
  2. Move along, avoiding projectiles, until you reach two archers and a few big goblins. You can grapple up here or take out the guys with archers. From there, move to the right and you’ll see a ramp. Conjur a box on the platform above to crank the ramp up, and walk up it to keep going. The grapple can get you up over the next ledge. The snail is big, but easy to jump up and over. In the next section, break a barrier to go down to find a collectible. Otherwise, continue along the top path. There are three spiders kicking around that you will likely run into, so keep an eye out. Throw a crate up at the spiked log above you and swing it, then use it to grapple across the gap.
  3. Keep to the leaves, watch out for the fireballs and the next section is pretty straightforward. Next is a wave of goblins with an archer in support. After that, head up to find a platform you can drop to raise a log. There is a sparkly seed beyond. I built two crates and a plank as a ramp for the liquid. Then jump up, use the hammer to clear the path, and then throw some crates on the greased slope. Use a plank from the last one to make a bridge to the solid ground. Keep heading to the right, read a book, and then you will drop into a hole and slide to the next level.
Mushroom Murk

  1. Build a nice ramp with a plank and two crates to pour the water onto the seed. The path before you is guarded by a giant, deadly spider, so you must move on by following the path above. Use the leaves to leap over the rocks, and remember you can only pause on the big leaves, the small ones will drop you quickly here. Up top, hit the continue point, and knock off the goblin fire archer and the big goblin. Time your jumps on the dropping platforms well to avoid the projectiles, and then throw the hammer from the rotating platform to open up a path to the right. Climb all the way up and move over the leaves to the right. There will be a goblin archer waiting, and then another. When you kill the second, drop down and prepare to fight two big goblins. Once they are done, pull the switch to open the gate.
  2. Immediately after, there will be a goblin archer above, two big goblins, and a flaming sword beserker who is very tough. You can lure him back to all the barrels and let him splode himself if you like. Use the archer’s grapple to get up to the cart above and use levitate to get it to move along the rail. Drop down, and push the cart forward again and use it to swing over the chasm. You will drop a long way down. Use a crate and a plank to reach the seed with a ramp, and then levitate another plank to bridge the gap and send the water to the seed. Use the toadstool it grows to jump up to the next ledge. Keep moving to the right and you will drop down a massive ramp, and then into a massive hole, and then you’ll learn how to swim! Head to the right to complete the level.]
Searock Castle
  1. Move to the right. Get the hang of jumping in water, you’ll be doing it quite a bit. Leap from coconut to coconut to cross the next gap, and then you’ll meet a crab. You can’t kill it, but jumping on it will put it down for a little while. Drop off the edge to your right and take up residence on the coconut. Let the crab hit the switch to extend the platform above, and quickly jump across. Use the low ledge you see next to wait for the swinging spikes to swing past, then run along the platforms and jump to the far side before it catches you. Drop a crate on the blue switch, then jump on the platform. Drop another crate against the wall, and be ready to hustle, as the flame will destroy the crate, dropping the platform quite quickly.
  2. The next fight is rough and may make you wish you’d switched to easy mode. There is a flaming berserker, an armored goblin, and a few others to make things difficult. Stay on the defensive to triumph, then pull the switch to move on. Drop down in the next section to play with some pipes. Use the triple valve and then a curve pipe to aim some air at the dropping platform. Get to it and hover in the air until the rotating platforms come around for you to reach the next ledge. As you move along, expect to drop from the next bridge into the water. Come out on the right side and use the grapple to ascend and kill the fire berserker to get a chest. Then keep moving right, dealing with a few more goblins on the way. Use the grapple to stay near the top, it’s much simpler. At the fire wheel, move an exploding barrel across to the small place for it on the right and then blow it up. Place two more barrels on the struts, and jump from the one on the left to the one on the right, grappling it to get through the gap, avoiding the flame.
  3. Head to the right, pull the lever and go for a ride. At the bottom, swim under the first outcropping, then surface to go back to the surface on the right. Hop up and pull a coconut down. Hop onto it and throw a hammer to release the boulder overhead. Follow the boulder down, pop up for air, and continue along the bottom, avoiding the eels. When you pop up again, look for the swinging platform. Jump off to the left for a collectible, and to the right to keep going. Use a plank to block the fire spitter on the far right, then negotiate the platforms while avoiding the fire from the other two. Easier than it looks. The booby trap section to follow is a pain, and I found it easier to just keep jumping that figure out the patterns.
  4. Move to the right and a cage door will open for you. The lovely big bridge you come to next will collapse under you, bringing on a wave of goblins. Put them down and then move to the right. Use the hammer to open up the path. Head up and to the left for another continue point and a switch. Blow up the exploding barrels to the left to clear the path, take out the goblin, and then use crates to get up on the platform. Destory the goblin who pops up and then wreck the crate jamming the gear. Pull the switch and move on. Use two planks to block the fire breathers on the right and left sides of the next section, and then hop up and use the knight to clear the barrier. Stack crates on the third crab to reach the next ledge, and then jump across the octopus platforms to reach the next section. Head right and then jump up to the next ledge, break through a barrier, and enter the castle.
  5. The painting will shake and a big wave of goblins will attack, mostly normal, but with an archer above, an armored guy, and a fire berserker to keep things interesting. Head over the fallen bookcase on the right when you’re done. Use the wizard to move the fire cannon out of the way, then use a fire barrel to block the gears when the rotating platform is flat. Then use a crate and a plank to cross the remaining gap. In the next section, use the grapple to pull the wood platform down, then put a crate on it. Jump onto the platform it extended, move all the way to the very left edge of it, and pull down the platform above with the levitate power. Jump on it and let it carry you up, burst the water bulb, and then adjust the platform so it waters the seed. Climb the pods it grows to reach the next area, move to the right, fall down off the dropping platform, and now you’re in the lair of the king!
  6. His attack is the same as the bonecrusher, only his weapon is on fire. There’s only one place where his weapon will be trapped, and it’s all the way to the left. Take out the annoying extra goblins as fast as you can, and remember, the weapon doesn’t hurt when it’s swinging down, just when it hits, so keep jumping at him until you get over him to safety, and whale on him. That’s all there is to it!
  7. Once the battle is won, head through the hole that opens and read the secret note that falls. The Trine will show up, break open a hole for you to drop into and the level is over.
Eldritch Passages
  1. Move to the right and drop into the hole. Throw a hammer to the left to break open some rock, and then hit the critter in the eye to chase it away. Remove the “plug” on a pipe just to the left of the platform on the right. Use the two pieces of pipe to build a curve blowing up, and then place the plug in the empty pipe beneath the ledge above you. Float up and land on the plug, then jump up to proceed. Use the shield to spill the first acid burst down the drain, and avoid the second. Then there is a wave of salamanders. Above you, note the spike ball, and place a full-size crate on it. Grapple up to the bucket, climb on top of it, and then leap to the crate. Conjure a crate on the other side of the chasm, and then place a plank across the gap.
  2. Once you’re on the other side, huddle in the lee of the next ledge to let all the spike balls go past overhead. At the next pit, conjure a crate, leap onto it as Pontius, throw a hammer up and to the left, and then jump back. You’ll have to be fast, the acid will eat the crate. This will drop a rock you can use to get across the acid. I slid the rock 3/4s of the way to the right, used another temporary crate to leap into the acid, then across to the rock, and then just built a ramp to get out.
  3. Next you will face a wave of salamanders. Pull the switch to bring up dropping platforms, and either leap across them, watching the timing and not being afraid to jump back when you need to buy a bit more time, or swing overhead via the bucket. Pull the switch in the middle of the next section to drain the pool to the left. Descend, cut the log to the left loose, and then carry it up. Use the two barrels to get as far into the water as you can. It sounds ridiculous, but the next part is easy. Place the biggest plank you can on the ledge to the right. Then create another one and place it on top of it, about half way down its length. This will tip the whole assembly toward you, allowing you to run up one plank to the second, before they all fall into the water.
  4. Leap the acid pit and onto the first cog. There’s a plank above you that you can grapple to and get over the second one. Look out for spiders! Head to the left and use the grapple to ascend to the next ledge. Use the barrel above you on the left to splode the space open, then throw a hammer straight up. Use a couple of crates to ascend, and then use the grapple to get the rest of the way up.
  5. Use the levitate power to rotate the wheel to get some momentum, then drop a crate on the platform to the left to raise the one on the right, then leap to it. Hop across the dropping platform and grapple above you to fight off some spiders and get a collectible. Look to your right where the spiked balls are dropping and see a fragile point in the floor. Hit it to stop some of the acid flowing your way and making your path easier. On the other side, you’ll want to jump from the dropping platform onto a plank or crate to save you some damage, then leap to the right and grapple to safety. There are salamanders too, just so you know.
  6. Keep going and now it’s time to drop down a lot! Head to the right, fight off some creepy undersea dudes, the hammer helps with their shields, and then keep going to the right, pulling a switch to clear your path. Reach a small stone platform and throw the hammer straight up to clear the path, then grapple up. Pull down all the pipes. Build a u-bend off the left one, attach the T junction to the pipe on the right, and then connect them with the curve and the straight pipe. Drop down and pull the switch on top of the platform to clear the path ahead of you. Drop all the way to the bottom, push the barrel to the right, and block it with a crate. Return to the switch, flood the chamber again, and then swim to the barrel, using it to gain the next ledge.
  7. The spider web behind you is deceptive, as you will be hit by a big wave of mermen. The first bridge will collapse after some damage, and you’ll need a ranged weapon to hit the guys off to the right. A spider will join the party, but he’s easy to toss in the acid. Throw the switch to drain the pit to the right, then move on. Use the grapple to pull the acid pourer to the left, then set up beneath it and grapple to the right side of it to clear the pit. Watch out for the glowing pods from now on.
  8. Pull the acid pourer to the left and put a crate on it to keep it away. Jump from the dropping platform to the right onto the acid pourer. Place another crate to keep it steady, then jump two platforms to the right, and quickly take out the tentacle. Head to the right, jump onto the swinging platform, and take out another tentacle. Then quickly move to the left, up to that side, and take out one more. There are acid pods about, so clear your path first, and the tentacle above the swinging platform will spit out acid periodically. When the danger is clear, keep going and enter the mirror to finish the level.
Icewarden Keep
  1. To move through the door you have to “disappear”. Place the crate that is already there on the spikes on the far right of the screen to create a platform. Then build a tower of crates to reach it and then the door will open and a goblin will come out. In the next area, use a crate to move safely on the spikes and kill the goblin to the left above you. Then set the barrel high on the right on fire. That will clear your way. Use the next barrel that you drop to blow up the wall across from you, then swing over with the grappel. Conjure a small crate on the snow, change to the archer, and slowly edge forward, aiming at the water bulb, as you knock the crate off the edge. That will open the space, shoot the bulb, and watch the plant grow!
  2. Head up the plant and to the right and expect to face a pack of goblins. Place a crate on the spiked ball and give it a good push with the wizard. Then grapple to the crate and swing as far as you can to the right. It may take a couple of tries to get the timing right. To get past the next section, I built a stack of two crates, and then put a long plank and a smaller crate on top, to hold the plank in place. That got me halfway across, then a well-timed jump made the rest a snap. The next section is very Indiana Jones. Bust out the ceiling to let light in, then place a crate on the empty hand so you can adjust it. Use the levitate to move the crate until the light shines through the crystal into the portal and opens the door!
  3. For the next leap, watch for the first two chunks of stalactites to fall at the same time, then start leaping. Once you go you can’t stop, as the platforms are icy slopes, but if you start at that point, you should make it just fine. Next comes a big force of goblins, finished with a fire berserker. For the next puzzle, stack three crates high and then angle a plank against the blue button overhead to keep it pressed. Obviously, build this to your left while you stand at the right edge of the pit. Then drop to the platform and throw the hammer. You’ll need to keep jumping to keep from falling, but when the passage opens, go in and pull the switch, then hop up to your right.
  4. Obviously the next mechanism is jammed, so look up for a barrel. Shoot it with a fire arrow and then pull the switch. You’ll want your shield to the left for the first bout of fire, then look for a pipe to pull out on the left side and then block to your right. At the bottom, a collectible chest is to your left. On the right, drop an exploding barrel, and then another. Place them both in the laval with the wizard, one on the far left, and one on the right, and use them to cross the pit. Oh, did I forget to mention? Either bring the T-junction pipe with you, or you’ll have to go back and get it! Place it so the air blows up and to the right, then stand atop the air. Use the shield to protect yourself when the flame comes around, and use a crate and plank to make a small bridge to reach the upper right.
  5. Fire berserker? You bet! Next, ride a platform over lava, and keep the shield handy and up. Jump the spikey ball and you’re fine. The next section, however, is quite a pain. Hop up onto the platform above you first with the thief. Then place the curved pipe over the lava pipe to fall to the right. Jump on the moving platform, which takes a LONG time, and when you get under the pipe, pull it loose so the lava drops behind you. After that, it’s just a matter of getting over one more spikey ball. In the next section, throw a hammer up to the left to free the pipe. Put the pipe on the lava, flowing out to the left. Then, place a plank beneath the upper portal, then drop through it to land up top. There is a chest to your right. Move the upper portal over the ice, then move the lower portal to the left so the lava flows through it, clearing your path.
  6. On the swinging platform, rotate it to the right until it’s at its farthest point and the next platform is raised. Conjure a crate or two on your platform to move up and on. So what do you thinmk next? Goblin wave? Yeah, goblin wave. After that, start sliding a little bit to your right and throw the hammer up to free the boulder. This next battle will seem very familiar. Let the giant goblin clear the path to the right to find the “trap”. Equip your biggest weapon and put him down. Then build a pile of crates to the right to get you up and over. Then, your path will clear magically before you.
The Final Chapter
  1. Head to the right, open the chest for a collectible, then keep going. Move the picture, enter the next room, jump into the portal.
  2. There’s a video, and then the final fight. Dragon! Before anything, grow the seeds on the right side so you can punch the continue point. Hit the dangly bit on it’s chin, then aim for the glowy earrings. After that, some ceiling will collapse in and some salamanders will appear. Take them out, then hit the dragon in the “ears” again, generally by aiming for it’s quest. The hammer was most useful for me. After the initial shock, hit each of hte ears twice more, and that’s all there is to it.




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