"Arrival," released on March 29, 2011 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, is the final DLC pack for Mass Effect 2. "Arrival" begins immediately after the Horizon mission as a solo rescue mission Commander Shepard performs for Admiral Hackett. A deep cover agent, Dr. Amanda Kenson, is missing in Batarian space after discovering a Reaper artifact that allegedly contains proof of an imminent Reaper invation. Shepard travels to the end of the galaxy to rescue Dr. Kenson and learn more about the possibility of this Reaper invasion.
The solo mission is combat-focused and linear, with no branching Paragon or Renegade story lines. There are, however, conversations within the DLC and actions of Commander Shepard that may impact events in Mass Effect 3. The bulk of the DLC takes place in one single new environment containing linear corridors, rooms and a brief open segment. There are no new vehicles or weapons. Since Shepard is being sent on a solo mission, combat is performed alone. While gameplay within the rescue mission is linear and straightforward, the events following the mission are worth noting. Playthrough should take between two and four hours.
Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC Text Walkthrough Part 1 - Overview
"Arrival," indicated on the galaxy map with the title "Rescue Dr. Kenson," consists of one mission that takes place in the Bahak system in the Viper Nebula. There are three available weapon upgrades: Heavy Weapon Ammo, Medi-Gel Capacity, and Heavy Skin Weave. Once the Mass Effect 2 Horizon mission is completed, Arrival is added to the game Journal. The Journal indicates that an important message is waiting from Alliance HQ. The player is then directed to Commander Shepard's private terminal. The next time the terminal is used, communication with Admiral Hackett begins.
Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC Text Walkthrough - Part 2
- Begin on the Normandy's bridge.
- Proceed to Commander Shepherd’s private terminal.
- Download the "Arrival" DLC pack.
- Access the message from Admiral Hackett at Alliance Command in which he requests that you infiltrate the Batarian stronghold alone. Dr Amanda Kenson is being held in a Batarian prison on terrorism charges.
- Return to the CIC.
- Modify armor to include health and shield bonuses.
- Plan weapons, armor, armor components, etc. for a solo mission.
- Activate the navigation map.
- Continue to the Viper Nebula.
- When you arrive in the Bahak system at the bottom of the Galaxy Map, exit the Kodiak in Aratoht.
- Proceed to the facility.
- Cut the power using the terminal to the right of the door.
- Open the door.
- Go through.
- Turn to the right.
- Continue to the intersection.
- Head right and locate the Irridium on the ground.
- Turn around to face the opposite direction.
- Follow the corridor to the broken bridge controls.
- Follow the ramp down and to the left.
- Take cover against the wall at the bottom.
- Wait for the varren, a.k.a Batarian War Beast, to appear.
- Kill it quickly and avoid detection as much as possible.
- Head to the controls near the varren.
- Activate the bridge.
- Return back up and across cross.
- Do not shoot any Batarians until Kenson is rescued or you will lose your Covert Action Achievement. Take out any varrens, but leave the Batarians alone.
- Continue along the corridor.
- Climb the stairs.
- Continue to the laser grid.
- Kill power to it by cutting the power off.
- Follow the hallway to the left.
- Kill the varren.
- Proceed around the corner to the next laser grid.
- Head in the other direction.
- Continue past the hole in the ground to the dead end.
- Shoot the cracked pipe to ignite the gas.
- Blow open the wall.
- Find the gas valve.
- Turn it off.
- Pass through until you get to the flames.
- Shut the valve off in front of the flames.
- Head left and find the next valve.
- Shut it off and proceed to the door.
- Locate the audio log.
- Scan the object to get your Heavy Weapons Ammo upgrade.
- Return back through the door.
- Reactivate the two gas valves to turn the flames back on.
- Kill the next varren.
- Continue to the next doorway.
- Go through the door.
- Climb the stairs.
- Return outside.
- Listen to the two Batarian guards deep in conversation to the left.
- Sneak past them to the power panel.
- Cut the power.
- Return the way you came.
- Head to the left.
- Go through the door they were guarding.
- Head up the stairs.
- Head outside through the door.
- Jump from the ledge.
- Take the next staircase up.
- Go through the door at the top of the stairs.
- Be careful of the two Batarian guards off to the right.
- Continue past without alerting them to your presence.
- Go through the doorway to the left.
- Use the crane controls to pick up one of the crates by pressing the middle button, followed by the left and right buttons.
- Lower the truck to the bottom level.
- Look behind the crate you lifted for Medigel upgrade data and Iridium.
- Activate the vehicle lift controls.
- Drop down onto the truck you lowered to get to the room below.
- Move away from the lift.
- Hit the control to get the credits under the lift.
- Exit via the hallway.
- Follow it to the next door.
- Use the crates to sneak past the Batarian guards in the small room.
- Continue along the corridor until you come to a door off to the left.
- Open the door to trigger a cutscene and free Kenson.
- If you have not been detected by any Batarians to this point, you have earned the Covert Action Achievement.
- Take out the Batarian in the hall after the cutscene ends.
- Turn around.
- Continue in your original direction.
- Go down the stairs.
- Enter the room.
- Head to the left.
- Pick up Medigel and ammunition.
- Continue along the right path.
- Go through the next door and take cover.
- Take out the Batarians.
- Continue along the perimeter of the room.
- Watch for the wall panel to open.
- Take cover before taking on the enemy soldiers and taking them out.
- Continue into the area they were guarding.
- Head around the corner to the right.
- Locate the Security Console and activate it.
- Guard Kenson while she hacks into the console.
- Move away from the console when she is finished.
- Return the way you came.
- Take out the next group of Batarians.
- Hurry to the control panel and close the door before more Batarians come through.
- Return to Kenson.
- Take cover and take out the Batarians attacking from the opposite side.
- Take cover and take out the Batarians heading in from the elevator to the right.
- Take cover and take out the Batarians heading in from the elevator to the left.
- Take out the Batarians arriving on the center elevator.
- Take the elevator down to the hangar.
- Take cover as soon as you arrive to take out the Batarians guards.
- Wait for more Batarians to attack from the left.
- Take cover and take them out.
- Finish off the final group of Batarians.
- Once the area is clear, head to the right side of the shuttle.
- Turn so the shuttle is at your back.
- Face the hangar doors.
- Shoot the explosives on either side of the doors to open them.
- Board the shuttle.
- Once you are onboard the shuttle, talk to Kenson and ask her questions until you land at Kenson's Project Base.
- Disembark the Kodiak.
- Search the hangar for any credits, weapons, refined palladium and useful equipment.
- Find the Codex entry on Object Rho.
- Follow Kenson out of the hangar and through the complex to Object Rho.
- Pick up some more palladium next to one of the staircases.
- Get on the elevator and take it down.
- Save your game to prepare to work on an upcoming Achievement.
- Enter the room with the artifact to trigger a cutscene in which the Reaper fleet is approaching the relay.
- Next thing you know, Kenson pulls out the Shuriken, and points it at Shepard stating that she cannot let him stop the Arrival. Soldiers enter with weapons drawn.
- Shepard disarms Kenson, breaking her wrist, and takes cover.
- Kenson orders the Commander taken down and limps out of the room.
- Take cover behind the couches to the left to fight off the five waves of attackers.
- If you last through them all, you receive the "Last Stand" achievement. Once the power bar under the Object Rho is full, you know you are in the clear.
- Keep moving and use all available weapons to stay alive and stave off your attackers.
- Watch your med-gel and ammo, replenishing as necessary.
- Use heavy weapons in moments when you are overwhelmed.
- Once you fall, Kenson has the guards remove you to the medical lab for healing. Apparently Shepard is needed alive.
- Awaken in the medical bay.
- Check the research log on the consoles.
- Press the button for Mech Control to activate a deactivated LOKI Mech in the next room.
- Use the mech to kill the scientist, as well as any other mechs that try to stop you.
- Heads right around the corner.
- Open the nearby panel.
- Shoot out the powe rconduit to open the door.
- Exit the medical bay.
- Retrieve your equipment from the weapons locker.
- Head to the room on the left.
- Find the datapad, and head for the corridor leading out.
- Head to the right. Find the salvage and another log.
- Get to the outer corridor where you are attacked by two guards.
- Take cover in an archway and take them out.
- Head to the door.
- Open it and move through the glass tube.
- Stop at the door at the opposite end.
- Open the door and immediately take cover in the doorway.
- Take out the guard trying to attack.
- Keep an eye on the doorway to the left where more soldiers are.
- Go through the living area.
- Take cover.
- Take down enemies.
- Use techs and biotics as much as possible.
- Work your way through the living area as guards are killed until you get to the next glass tube.
- Continue to the mess hall.
- Take cover facing the left of the door.
- Take shots at the enemies coming through.
- Pick up any salvage lying about.
- Climb the stairs.
- Take cover facing right as the next door opens.
- Take out the guards, placing the pyro guard at the top of your priority list.
- Take out the second wave with a grenade.
- Find the research log.
- Continue into the hall with the large windows.
- Proceed to the left.
- Enter the lab.
- Take cover.
- Pick off the three enemies as their heads pop up.
- Continue through the door to the right.
- Listen to Kenson's log as you pass her desk.
- Proceed through the door into the next glass tube.
- Continue through the next door.
- Turn left into Project Control.
- Take cover in the doorway to take out the two pyros, two engineers, one elite, and project guards from a distance. As always, the pyros come first. Once they are out, take out the remainder with head shots. Don't forget to keep your own head down.
- Once the area is clear, hit the engineering console to start the Project and trigger a cutscene.
- Take cover as soon as the cutscene ends.
- Take out the two guards who try to get you from behind.
- Go through the door they used to enter.
- Take out the guards and head to the locked door.
- Overload the panel next to it to open the door.
- Take the elevator up.
- Take cover.
- Clear the path.
- Proceed to the green cooling rod and activate it.
- Continue right along the hallway to the next elevator.
- Take it down to the bottom.
- Head to the medical station for Medi-gel.
- Next make your way to the panel to the left.
- Deactivate the plasma venting from the reactor core.
- Get the credits from the PDA.
- Return to the elevator.
- Head to the right.
- Enter through the door to the plasma vent room.
- Make a left.
- Take cover and take out the two guards, pyro first.
- Return the way you came.
- Get the Element Zero from the crate.
- Take cover behind the pipe.
- Take out the guards with explosives. Focus on the second pyro.
- Pick up any ammunition you find as you continue forward.
- Head over to the locked door.
- Blow up the crates to the right.
- Climb up the step.
- Continue around the corner.
- Take out the guard near the console.
- Hit the console and continue forward.
- Get a strong gun ready to take out the pyro in the next hallway.
- Proceed to the elevator at the end of the hall.
- Get in the elevator and hit up.
- Pick up the eezo from the crate.
- Take the next elevator.
- Head to the right corner.
- Find the PDA on table and get some credits.
- Get to the door and go through.
- Take out the enemies hiding with headshots.
- Go over to the corner to the right and take cover.
- Take out the three guards with head shots.
- Take out the two engineers.
- Get through the next door.
- Reinsert the second cooling rod.
- Get the eezo on the other side of the rod.
- Head to the left.
- Find the wall safe.
- Take the elevator to the left down to the reactor room. When you reach the bottom, a cutscene begins.
- Watch for a Renegade moment during the cutscene.
- Take the elevator up.
- Exit the elevator.
- Head left to the locked door and Paladium crate.
- Proceed to the other side of the room.
- Continue to the locked door.
- Proceed down the long corridor.
- Enter the room to the left.
- Activate the panel.
- Head left to the wall safe.
- Head right to the paladium crate.
- Go back to the hallway.
- Follow it to the end.
- Enter the next room.
- Go down the steps.
- Find the Survey Data pad on the platform to the right of the exit. Get the credits.
- Exit the room.
- Head over to the crate and pick up the credits.
- Exit via the next door for the airlock to trigger the next cutscene.
- Take cover and pick off all of the enemies outside.
- Once the area is clear, take on the big battle mech. It will be a challenge with its three protection levels: shields, armor, standard health.
- Duck when the mech fires it rockets.
- It continues to proceed slowly towards you.
- When it approaches, run to the next safe position.
- Switch to a heavy weapon.
- Use it to knock out the mech's shields and armor.
- Run to your next cover spot to keep at the mech.
- Continue this pattern until it is down.
- Continue to the end of the platform.
- Turn right.
- Find the console by the antenna and activate it to trigger a cutscene and end the DLC.
- Unlock the "Ultimate Sacrifice" Achievement when "Arrival" is completed.
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