Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Outland X walkthrough

-=- Table of Contents                                       [TOC!]
-=- Introduction                                            [INT!]

-=- Story Introduction                                      [STO!]
-=- Origin Levels                                           [ORI!]
-=- The Story Begins                                        [1-1]
-=- Rites of Passage                                        [1-2]
-=- Crossroads of the World (and 30,000 Years Ago)          [1-3]

-=- Jungle Levels                                           [JUN!]
-=- Jungle Lowlands                                         [2-1]
-=- The Cursed Forest                                       [2-2]
-=- Jungle Highlands                                        [2-3]
-=- Above the Canopy                                        [2-4]
-=- Boss 1: The Golem                                       [B-1]

-=- Underworld Levels                                       [UND!]
-=- The World Beneath                                       [3-1]
-=- Lost Passageways                                        [3-2]
-=- Crypt of the Ancients                                   [3-3]
-=- The Buried Empire                                       [3-4]
-=- The Underground River                                   [3-5]
-=- City of the Dead                                        [3-6]
-=- Boss 2: The High Priestess                              [B-2]

-=- City Levels                                             [CIT!]
-=- The City Walls                                          [4-1]
-=- The Marketplace                                         [4-2]
-=- The Ministry                                            [4-3]
-=- The Maze                                                [4-4]
-=- The Flower Gardens                                      [4-5]
-=- The Forgotten Quarter                                   [4-6]
-=- Boss 3: Mother of Eyes                                  [B-3]

-=- Sky Levels                                              [SKY!]
-=- The Ice Cave                                            [5-1]
-=- Proving Grounds                                         [5-2]
-=- Holy Mountain                                           [5-3]
-=- The Haunted Hills                                       [5-4]
-=- Return to Holy Mountain                                 [RET!]
-=- The Mist-Shrouded Forest                                [5-5]
-=- Dark Fortress                                           [5-6]
-=- Boss 4: The Winged Serpent                              [B-4]

-=- Eternity Levels                                         [ETE!]
-=- At the Shores of Time                                   [6-1]
-=- Tower of Eternity                                       [6-2]
-=- Trail of Tears                                          [6-3]
-=- The End of All Things                                   [6-4]
-=- Final Boss: The Sisters                                 [B-5]

-=- Video Appendix                                          [VID!]
-=- Miscellaneous & Legal                                   [MIS!]

[INT!] Introduction

Outland is a 2-D sidescroller game released for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
This guide is applicable to both versions of the game, as there is no 
difference between them except for the obvious (controls, etc.). 

As a reader of this guide, you should be aware of some assumptions that I as 
the author make about you when I write the guide. If I don't include every 
little detail about a level in the guide, it is because I personally deem some 
details to not be worth mentioning because they are so naturally obvious when 
progressing through the level. For example: the first level in the game "The 
Story Begins" has a few introductory and very basic obstacles for you to run 
through, and getting past these obstacles is pretty much a no-brainer. 

Additionally, the game itself has a very useful built-in guide in the form of 
the guiding spirit that flies around and shows you exactly where you need to go
in order to complete objectives in the level. Not only that, but the game's 
level map will display a crosshair on the location of your current objective.

With all that said, let's talk about what this guide will do for you. There are
several obstacles and trouble spots in this game which will prove to be 
difficult, especially if you are not used to this style of gameplay. There are 
also hidden areas and items which the guiding spirit will not reveal to you; 
for these areas, you have to actively find them yourself (and I will point 
these out along the way). Some areas and items are not accessible right away 
(most of the time because you lack the special ability), and these require 
backtracking into previous levels in order to find them; if you see an area you
can't get to and it's not mentioned in this guide, then that means you will 
need to wait until later to access it (you will more than likely see numerous 
areas and items which you can't get to while playing through the game).

For each level, descriptions of specific items and enemies in the level will 
give you a heads up on what to expect. A good example would be the life and 
energy upgrades that are included in some of the levels; knowing when one of 
these upgrades is coming up is a good thing to know since they each cost a 
certain amount of coins. I will also include a link to a video guide of each 
level (all video guides were made by me), which will help you to visually 
connect with the information in this written guide. A good way make the most 
out of this written guide and the video guides is to have one browser tab open 
for the written guide and another browser tab open for the selected video 
guide. Doing that will allow you to keep the written guide open and then copy 
and paste the link to the video guide in the second browser tab. If you happen 
to use two monitors with your computer, you can also have two browser windows 
open on each monitor, which will allow you to view both the written guide and 
the video guide at the same time. Technology is great isn't it?

Thank you for checking this guide out and I hope that it helps you.

[STO!] Story Introduction

The game appears to have several different cultural influences which define its
setting, but the story starts out in a jungle area that has a very tribal vibe 
to it. This is just an uneducated guess, but it seems to parallel the culture 
and architecture that would have been built by the native tribes of South 
America (maybe even the Aztecs). 

At any rate, you are an athletic tribesman that's been having some strange 
dreams lately. You go to the local shaman to seek advice, and he tells you some
history about how the world came to be. There were two sisters, one of light 
energy and on of dark energy, that used their powers to create the world. 
Something bad happened (what that bad thing is, we don't quite know) and then 
the sisters began tearing apart the world they had made.

A hero appears out of the chaos and stops the sisters from destroying the 
world. This all happened 30,000 years ago. However, the dreams which the new 
hero (you the player) are having seem to indicate to the shaman that all of the
past events are about to happen again. And so the journey and adventure begin 
anew, with it being implied that you are the ancient hero reborn.

-=- Story Introduction Video Guide Link: 

[ORI!] Origin Levels

[1-1] The Story Begins

The first level is meant to be an introduction to the controls of the game, and
as such it is very easy to complete. There will be several instances where you 
will be faced with an obstacle and the controller button that needs to be 
pressed will be painted right on top of the obstacle. 

-=- The Spirit Guide
There is a guiding spirit which accompanies you throughout every level in 
Outland, and it shows you exactly where you need to go and what you need to do 
in order to make progress. It will not show you hidden areas or secret items 
(which are all optional in terms of beating the game); it will always show you 
exactly what you need to do to beat the level though and move on to the next 
level. The guiding spirit kind of looks like a bunch of glitter or fairy dust 
that is floating in the air.

-=- Spirit Energy
For the first few levels your character is a yellow color. This means that he 
is vulnerable to being damaged from any kind of spirit energy (both light and 
dark), so you will need to avoid all forms of spirit energy for now. Spirit 
energy shows up as blue or red colored objects.

-=- 1st and 2nd Mark of the Gods
In each level, there are secret items known as Marks of the Gods. They look 
like floating, golden helmets that spin in the air. Each of these offer 
different rewards and are completely optional and not needed to beat the game. 
I will point them out if you can get to them though.

The first Mark of the Gods is in a very obvious spot near the beginning of the 
level. You just have to do a bit of jumping and you will grab it easily. The 
second is further on in the level. Eventually you will reach a part of the 
level where there are three ladders, one at the top left of your screen, one at
the top right, and one at the bottom right. If you climb the top right ladder, 
you'll find the second Mark of the Gods for this level.

-=- Door Switch
Throughout each level in Outland, there may be several door switches which need
to be stepped on or hit in order to open yellow barrier doors. These yellow 
doors are a good indication of where you will be going next, so keep their 
locations in mind when you see one.

At the bottom of a ladder, you will see a checkpoint and a yellow door to the 
right of the checkpoint. If you take the path to the left, you will find a 
green circle switch that needs to be stepped on in order to open the yellow 
door. It is guarded by some light spirit energy launchers, but they aren't that
big of a deal to get by.

-=- New Enemy: Spider
Spiders are the first enemies you meet in Outland. They are typically found 
burrowed under the ground; if you look close enough, you can actually see their
face sticking out of the ground when they are burrowed. They take three hits to
kill, which is a convenient number since your hero can do a quick hit combo 
which consists of three strikes. If you can't get the three hits in quick 
enough, you better jump away from the spider because they do a short lunging 
attack. The attack has a short delay before they strike, so try to get the 
three hits in before the spider finishes.

-=- Large Treasure Vases
In each level, there are small and large vases which contain things like coins 
and sometimes hearts. Coins come in two varieties: small coins and large coins.
Small coins are worth 50 coins, while large coins are worth 1000 coins. You 
will want to grab as many large coins as possible, because you need to save up 
money for the life and energy upgrades. Large vases usually contain a large 
coin, so breaking up as many of them as possible is advisable.

This first level doesn't really have any super hidden areas for the vases; most
are out in the open or intuitively easy to get to. At one point in the level, 
you will see a small tunnel under an overhang to your right. Inside the tunnel 
will be a large vase and a stone wall blocking off the vase. If a stone wall 
looks like it has many gaps inside it (as this one does), then that means you 
can break it down with your weapon. Hit the stone wall three times and the wall
will break down, allowing you to bust open the vase and grab the coins.

-=- The Story Begins Video Guide Link: 

[1-2] Rites of Passage

-=- New Enemy: Wall Crawler
Wall crawlers, as their name implies, can crawl up walls. In fact, they can do 
even more than that: they crawl up walls, they scuttle about the ground, and 
they even can walk upside-down across the ceiling. You'll usually see them 
crawling around and around on isolated floating platforms. They come in two 
varieties: the spikey kind and the armored shell kind. They also come in many 
sizes, which you'll see later in the game. Later on they even start to drop 
dark and light energy on you from above.

Sometimes you can strike them with your weapon directly a few times and kill 
them, but by far the easiest method to kill them with is to hold up on your 
controller and strike at them with an upward weapon swing. This will cause them
to flip over (like an upside-down turtle) and be completely helpless. After 
they are flipped over, you can proceed to strike them until they die. That 
description actually sounds pretty cruel doesn't it?

-=- Proximity Spikes
There are several instances throughout the game where you will see sharp spikes
burrowed under the walking surface. Be careful, because these are proximity-
activated (they activate when you get near them) spike traps that will thrust 
out of the ground and hurt you. For the Rites of Passage level, they aren't too
bad of a challenge to get by, but they can prove to be very annoying and very 
deadly in later levels.

Eventually you'll see a different variety of burrowed spikes that are activated
according to what spirit alignment you are. This can make for some interesting 
puzzles later on.

-=- 1st Mark of the Gods
After getting the ground slide ability, there is a spot in this level where you
can use the ground slide to find a Mark of the Gods. To your left will be a 
light spirit energy launcher that is shooting energy in the shape of a blue 
circle; to your right will be your spirit guide and a burrowed spider. In the 
middle of that area is a section of lower ground; in the lower right of that is
a small hole which can be slid through using the ground slide. Down there you 
will find some vases to break, a few enemies, and a Mark of the Gods at the 

-=- 2nd Mark of the Gods
The second Mark of the Gods will require some backtracking through the level 
after you receive the ground sliding ability. You'll need to go left through 
the tunnel with two sets of proximity spikes (which you just need to slide 
past). After leaving the tunnel, there is a ladder immediately above you. Climb
the ladder. At the top of the ladder is a room with a Mark of the Gods item and
a light spirit energy launcher guarding it. The room is blocked off by a stone 
wall; you can slide under the stone wall through the gap underneath it though.

-=- Door Switch: The Moving Platform Room
There is a large room with two yellow platforms moving along a dotted path. 
Also in this room are three light energy launchers, a yellow door, and a yellow
door switch. To get to the switch, which is in the upper right corner, you will
need to jump on each of the yellow platforms. You will need to time your jumps 
so that you avoid the light spirit energy circles. For most people, this will 
be an easy obstacle to get through, but it does give a little taste of all the 
things to come in the later levels. Once you hit the switch and open the door, 
you can exit the level.

-=- Rites of Passage Video Guide Link: 

[1-3] Crossroads of the World (and 30,000 Years Ago)

Crossroads of the World serves as your home base throughout the course of the 
game. It is here where you gain access to new series of levels and can also go 
back to previous levels which you have already completed. There are also a few 
hidden areas and secrets around the place that you can get to as you gain new 

-=- 30,000 Years Ago
In the Crossroads of the World, you will reach a large shrine after pressing a 
green circle switch to open a door. At the shrine your hero will have a 
flashback and relive some events of 30,000 years ago through the eyes of the 
ancient hero. In other words, you are about to play a distinct level that gives
you access to some future special abilities and will introduce you to some new 

-=- Changing Spirit Alignment
In the 30,000 Years Ago level, you will be able to get a taste of what 
Outland's style of 2-D platforming involves: changing your spirit alignment. 
This introductory level only gives you some basic challenges to start out with 
of course, but later on the gameplay will require lots of hand-eye coordination
when moving through complex obstacles.

-=- Changing Spirit Alignment to get a Treasure Vase
After jumping over some spikes, you will come to two moving platforms. A dark 
platform (which is lower) and a light platform (which is higher). You will need
to switch out your spirit alignment in order to properly land on them. After 
jumping on them, you will find a large treasure vase to the left, which is 
guarded by a large beam of dark spirit energy.

-=- Vertical Platforming Room
Eventually you will reach a large vertical room that requires you to make your 
way up. This room has several moving light and dark platforms, along with a 
couple of large chain-link beams of light and dark energy. The main skill 
you'll need to grasp in this room is that not only do you need to switch spirit
alignment in order to jump onto light and dark platforms, but you also need to 
learn how to time it correctly so that you don't get hurt from the beams of 
spirit energy. Lucky for you though, the spirit beams are only touching the 
platforms which are of the same spirit alignment.

-=- New Enemy: Flying, Projectile-Shooting Dragon-Lizard Thingy
These enemies start out small, but will grow to large sizes later in the game. 
For this level, they will fly in a basic up and down pattern and shoot spirit 
energy at you each time they go up and down. They take three hits to take down.
The main concern when approaching them is to make sure you time your approach 
and weapon swings just right so that they don't have a chance to hit you with 
an unexpected volley of spirit energy.

-=- Proximity Spikes + Dragon Flyer
After jumping over a spike pit, there is a spot where you'll see a dragon flyer
shooting at you and in front of him is a set of proximity spikes. This spot can
be a bit tricky because of the proximity spikes; if you try to jump or 
otherwise dodge the shots from the dragon flyer and go backwards, there is a 
good chance that you'll land on the spike trap and get hurt. For new Outland 
players, it can be easy to forget about the spike trap when you are distracted 
by the dragon flyer's shots.

-=- Backtracking Through Spirit Traps
You will have to do some backtracking through the same area mentioned above. On
your way back, you will notice that some new spirit energy traps have become 
active. Getting past these trap combinations is mainly about timing rather than
switching your spirit alignment (for this level at least). For example, there 
is one trap combination which includes three spiral traps, two of them dark 
with one light in the middle. Rather than concentrating on switching spirit 
alignment to get through them, the best thing to do is just to time it right so
that you walk through the dark traps (while in dark alignment) and avoid the 
light trap completely.

-=- The Sisters Cinematic
When the level is finished, a short level called "The Sisters" will start that 
acts as sort of a cinematic for the story. It seems to imply that this was the 
setting for the final battle between The Sisters and the ancient hero. I wonder
if we'll see this stage later? Afterwards, you (the new hero) will wake up in 
front of the main shrine in the Crossroads of the World.

-=- Crossroads of the World (and 30,000 Years Ago) Video Guide Link: 

[JUN!] Jungle Levels

[2-1] Jungle Lowlands

Starting with this level, a very helpful feature is introduced: the map screen.
Not only do you now get to see the layout of the level and where you are, but 
you also get to see where you need to go and what you need to do by looking for
the blinking red crosshair. Without this red crosshair to guide your decisions,
this game probably would be much more time-consuming. The map's red crosshair 
plus the spirit guide in the actual levels combine to make level navigation a 
much easier task than it could have otherwise been.

-=- 1st Door Switch
The first door switch is found just above some stationary floating platforms, 
which you will need to jump on. Be careful when jumping up to the yellow door 
switch, because there is a spider guarding it which may take you by surprise. 
The door just above the switch's location is opened up.

-=- Hidden Treasure Cave
After passing under a light energy half-circle launcher, you'll see a yellow 
moving platform that is moving up and down along the wall to the left. Under 
the platform, you will see a small vase. If you continue to walk past that 
vase, you will find a hidden treasure cave. Be careful when you enter it, 
because there is a spike pit near the entrance (so don't rush in). There is 
also a spider guarding the large treasure vase.

-=- Mark of the Gods
Using the very same yellow platform mentioned above, wait until you reach the 
maximum height of the platform's movement and jump to the right. There you will
find not only two small vases, but also a Mark of the Gods item.

-=- The First Health Upgrade
In this level you will find your first health upgrade. It looks like a statue 
of a woman holding an object with a green heart on it. There are several more 
of these upgrades coming up in the future, so you'll want to save up some coins
to make sure you can afford them all. This particular one costs 15,000 corins.

-=- 2nd Door Switch
In the upper left portion of the level is a yellow door switch. You'll need to 
hit it in order to open the lower left section of the level, which leads to the

-=- Exit Obstacles
There are a few light energy launchers guarding the exit of the level, but they
should not give you too much trouble. They are mainly there to give you more 
practice with timing movements.

-=- Jungle Lowlands Video Guide Link: 

[2-2] The Cursed Forest

This level isn't a real big step up in challenge compared to previous levels. 
The main concern is making your way past light spirit energy obstacles; after 
you gain the light spirit alignment, it switches to making your way past dark 
spirit energy obstacles (i.e. same thing, different color).

-=- New Enemy: Exploding Armadillo
A new enemy is introduced in this level. It looks like an armadillo with a 
glowing shell. When it sees you, it starts to run in place then will charge off
in whatever direction it first saw you. Whatever it runs into or hits, it will 
explode. If it hits enemies, it will kill them. Once you learn the exact timing
on when it starts to charge, it becomes effortless to jump over.

-=- The Door Switch & Door Leading to Light Spirit Alignment
After moving left past three light energy barriers, you will hit a switch that 
opens a door to the right of your position. This leads to a new ability, which 
is permanent light spirit alignment. This leads to some backtracking through 
previous areas, except now you are immune to the old light energy traps and now
have to deal with new dark energy traps.

-=- 1st Mark of the Gods
After reaching a checkpoint and jumping up two light floating platforms, drop 
down the long hole (rather than proceeding to the far left). At the end of the 
cavern you will find a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Coop Challenge Unlock
After wall-jumping back up from the previous area (mentioned above), you'll see
a purple portal. Touch it to unlock the El Dorado challenge.

-=- 2nd Mark of the Gods
Backtrack to the two light platforms (which have a checkpoint sitting directly 
next to the rightmost platform). From there, jump up to the right where the 
light spirit energy barrier is sitting. From there, you can head up to the far 
upper right area of the level by jumping on some floating platforms; this leads
to the Mark of the Gods.

-=- The Exit
The level exit to the Jungle Highlands is found on the far left of the level.

-=- The Cursed Forest Video Guide Link: 

[2-3] Jungle Highlands

As I've mentioned before, there are some areas you can't get to yet because you
lack the special abilities. One such area you'll see in this level is a stone 
floor with several gaps in it; this stone floor, if broken, would lead to a 
Mark of the Gods. However, you can not break it yet because you lack the ground
stomp ability.

-=- New Enemy: Spirit Launcher Flower
A new flower enemy shows up in this level. It's a stationary enemy that 
essentially serves the same function as a spirit launcher, except it's not 
invulnerable and you can kill it. They are easy to kill, as they only require 
a single swing from your weapon to do them in. You can stand next to them and 
not take any damage if you are under the arch of their shots.

-=- Light Platform Treasure Room
After using a floating yellow platform to ascend, you will see a light ground 
switch and a light door right next to it. This opens up a large room with 
several floating light platforms. There is also a dark spirit energy launcher 
above the light door guarding the room. You'll notice that when you step on the
light platforms they will start to move downward; in order to get past them, 
you will need to jump from platform to platform as soon as you land on each. At
the end of them to the left, you will find three large treasure vases.

-=- The Exit Switch
A yellow switch is to the right of a dark spirit launcher (both in midair on 
stationary platforms); once you hit that switch, it opens a door leading to the
level's exit.

-=- Jungle Highlands Video Guide Link: 

[2-4] Above the Canopy                     

-=- Life Upgrade
There is a breakable wall that leads to a life upgrade. The location of the 
wall is found with two dark spirit launchers (one to the left and the other to 
that upper left) as well as a dark wall crawler walking in a circle around a 
platform. Break away the wall to reveal the life upgrade, which costs 20,000 

-=- High Treasure Vases
In the upper left portion of the level are two floating yellow platforms that 
both move in a path which together looks like a capital L. If you stand on the 
platform which is moving vertically, you can jump to the left and land on a 
ledge that holds two small vases. If you jump even further to the left from 
that point, you can find a large treasure vase at the far end of the level.

-=- New Enemy: Jellyfish
After you return to the yellow platforms (mentioned above) and ascend their 
locations, you will jump to an area with a new jellyfish enemy. These are 
simple little creatures that float around in a general area and don't pay too 
much attention to you; their main purpose is to block your path or slow your 
progress. Later on they will start appearing in larger sizes, and will even 
start to electrify themselves.

-=- Mark of the Gods
In the upper middle portion of the map, there are a few floating light 
platforms which move up or down when you stand on them; surrounding the 
platforms are lots of spikes. There is one area where there are two platforms 
which go down and platform in between them that goes up (into some ceiling 
spikes). If you jump onto the rightmost platform, you can wall-jump up and head
to the left to find a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Hidden Treasure Cave
Right below the area mentioned above is a small enclosed area with a small vase
sitting at the end. Behind the small vase is a destroyable wall; once the wall 
is broken, you will find some treasure vases.

-=- The Guardian Key
At the end of each series of levels is a guardian key that is used to open the 
large boss gates. The spirit guide will lead you to the key, then lead you to a
switch, then lead you back to the Jungle Highlands. You will then be lead to 
the boss gate, where the guardian key will be used to open it.

-=- Above the Canopy Video Guide Link: 

[B-1] Boss 1: The Golem                               

Outland's first boss is a giant stone golem (which appears to have dark spirit 

-=- Ground Slam Attack
The golem will frequently slam the ground with his right arm (his right arm 
looks like Megaman's arm to me). When he does that, a shockwave will ripple out
across the ground towards the left, and then will return back to his arm. It is
pretty slow moving, so it is easy to avoid by just jumping over it. Once the 
golem strikes the ground, he becomes momentarily stunned in place; you can use 
this opportunity to climb up on top of his arm and hit him in the head. 
However, you will need to do this quickly, because once the shockwave returns 
to his arm it will cause fire to rise up along his arm and hurt you.

-=- Tree Minions
You'll notice that there are some dark energy thingies hanging in the tree; 
these are enemies. Every so often the golem will hit the tree and knock the 
enemies to the ground, which awakens them. First they will arrive in groups of 
three, but later will come in larger groups. Overall, they aren't much of a 
threat since they are slow-moving and easy to kill. There is a chance you will 
receive a heart from them after killing them.

-=- The Spirit Energy Rain

Once his life is low enough, the golem will begin to call down spirit energy 
from the sky. Remember that you are already light aligned, so you can ignore 
the light rain and concentrate on avoiding the dark rain. The first wave of 
this attack sends a random pattern of rain; the second wave sends a more 
organized pattern of rain. Just pay attention to where the rain is falling and 
move your hero accordingly.

-=- The Golem Video Guide Link: 

[UND!] Underworld Levels                           

[3-1] The World Beneath                                  

-=- Crossroads of the World: Mark of the Gods
After you return to Crossroads of the World from the golem fight, drop down to 
the right of the large shrine and head to the left. There you will see a stone 
floor that can be broken with your ground stomp ability. After traveling 
through the area you will find a few vases along with a Mark of the Gods item.

-=- New Enemy: Burrow Bug
This little insect-like creature will remain burrowed into the ground (you can 
see a little bit of his body sticking out of the ground). Once you get close 
enough, he will jump up and shoot a line of projectiles in your direction. 
After he fires off his shots, he will very quickly burrow back into the ground 
and repeat the process. The best time to hit him is right when he jumps out of 
the ground and before he fires off his shots. Within that time frame is long 
enough to allow you to kill him. Be careful though, because if you time it 
wrong you will get a stream of projectiles in your face.

-=- Mark of the Gods
At one point in the level you will be standing on a black floating platform 
(stationary, not moving) and there will be a burrow bug on the right side of 
it. On both sides of the screen at this position will be two ladders. Above the
platform you will see two small vases. If you wall-jump up to that area, not 
only can you grab the vases, but you can wall-jump again to a higher area and 
find a Mark of the Gods.

-=- The World Beneath Video Guide Link: 

[3-2] Lost Passageways                                    

-=- New Enemy: Axe Warrior
These warriors take four hits to take down, so keep in mind that your three-hit
combo will not down them. When they see you, they will run at you, "charge up" 
their weapon swing, then hit you. If you are facing one of them, the best way 
to deal with him is to run up, hit him twice, then dodge his axe swing and hit 
him two more times. If you are behind an axe warrior, then you are in luck 
because they do not turn around if you hit them repeatedly.

-=- Mark of the Gods
In the upper middle portion of the level, you will see a jellyfish enemy. Next 
to the jellyfish is a torch, and above the torch is a platform. If you wall-
jump up to that platform, you can jump over to a Mark of the Gods to the right.

-=- Life Upgrade
There is a 30,000 coin life upgrade in this level. It's not hidden.

-=- New Enemy: Sword Warrior
This guy is much more dangerous than the axe warrior. Immediately after he sees
you he will use a charge attack. This charge attack is very quick, so it can 
catch you off guard. The best way to deal with him is to attack him from 
behind, but things are not always that convenient. If you do face him from the
front, you can use an upward swing to stun him. Later on when you get the power
swing ability, you can kill him in one hit during mid-charge.

-=- "That's Teamwork" Achievement/Trophy
One area in this level provides a very easy opportunity to get the "That's 
Teamwork" award. You will travel downward on a light platform; below you will 
be several axe warriors and to the right will be an exploding armadillo on a 
raised area. If you make the armadillo charge to the right, he will hit and 
kill one or two of the warriors.

-=- Raised Treasures
In the lower middle portion of the map is a room with three spirit launcher 
traps: one light, one dark, and one light. There are also two dark platforms 
and one light platform. Using the light platform, you can jump to the right and
find a raised area with a few treasure pots in it.

-=- Backtracking with the Dark Spirit Alignment
Eventually you will circle around the entire level and come back to the 
starting point of the level (which also happens to be the exit). You can leave 
now, but there is more opportunity for coins left (and you will need them). 
Progress through the level again (which is easy with dark alignment) and go to 
the upper left portion of the map. There you will find a dark platform that you
couldn't use before. It leads to treasure.

-=- The World Beneath Again
Now that you have dark spirit alignment, follow the spirit guide to the dark 
spirit switch and door. This leads to the next level.

-=- Lost Passageways Video Guide Link: 

[3-3] Crypt of the Ancients                                  

-=- New Concept: Bombs
Bombs are typically dropped from yellow traps (later on enemies will start 
dropping them). Don't touch bombs, because they will explode on you. They are 
timed and explode when their timer expires. You can move bombs by hitting them 
with your weapon. Hitting them while on the ground will make them move a small 
distance; hitting them as the drop from midair will make them move a large 
distance (and quite quickly too). If you swing your weapon upward, you can 
juggle them. Bombs are used to break rounded stone walls and floors.

-=- Bomb Treasure
When you first see the bombs, you can blast open the floor on either side of 
the bomb launcher. If you hit a bomb in midair to the right, it will land on 
the lower level and reveal some large treasure pots.

-=- Wall-Jumping and Spirit Changing to Treasure
In the area of the level that's below the map's starting position (the 
entrance), there is a narrow area that you can wall-jump up; however, there is 
also a spirit launcher that is launching both dark and light energy. You will 
need to switch your spirit alignment as you wall-jump up. After that, you can 
jump to the right (through another multi-spirit launcher) and find some 
treasure pots.

-=- Mark of the Gods
If you keep heading to the far right of the level (rather than going to the 
left and heading through the middle of the level) you will find a hole you can 
drop into. At the end of that area is a multi-spirit launcher, as well as a 
Mark of the Gods.

-=- Hidden Treasure Room
After doing everything mentioned above, you can head back up and to the left. 
There you will see a breakable floor that you can ground stomp on. Don't do it 
yet though, instead go to the small area to the left and hit the breakable 
wall. This will reveal a small treasure room.

-=- Crypt of the Ancients Video Guide Link: 

[3-4] The Buried Empire  

-=- Light and Dark Platforming
In the lower middle of the level is a long room with spikes at the bottom and 
light and dark platforms above the spikes. In order to progress, you will need 
to jump from platform to platform while switching your spirit alignment at the 
same time. It would be good to hone this skill now, because you'll definitely 
need it later.

-=- Sliding to Treasure
Immediately above the area mentioned in the previous section is an area with 
more midair platforms. If you jump from a dark platform to the far left, you 
can slide under the wall there and find a small room with treasure pots in it.

-=- New Enemy: Sword & Shield Warrior
This guy is impervious to all damage from the front, so don't bother trying to 
attack from the front. He is vulnerable to attack from the back though. The 
best way to kill him is to make him swing at you from the front, and then jump 
behind him after he swings his weapon. This gives you an opportunity to hit him
a few times. 

In this level, when you fight the sword & shield warriors you will be doing it 
while under fire from spirit launchers. This makes the challenge a bit more 
difficult, but you'll need to get used to it because this level is only a taste
of the challenges to come.

-=- Platforming with Opposite Spirit Alignment
In the very upper right corner of the level you will find some light and dark 
spirit platforms that go down as soon as you land on them (if you are the same 
spirit alignment). Some may initially try to be the same spirit alignment and 
quickly jump and switch between spirit alignments as they jump up. However, 
it's actually much less of a dexterous challenge than that: all you need to do 
is make sure you are the opposite spirit alignment when you land on a platform.
This ensures that they do not move downward.

-=- Don't Make Things Harder Than They Need to Be
After the area mentioned above, you'll come to a long room with several light 
and dark spirit launchers on the ceiling. There is also a yellow platform to 
jump on which will take you to the left. At first, this room may seem to be 
quite the challenge as you attempt to quickly change your spirit alignment so 
that you won't get hurt. However, don't do this; instead just jump below the 
yellow platform and avoid the spirit launchers altogether.

-=- Mark of the Gods
In the upper left portion of the level, you will reach a floating yellow 
platform which will take you up. Don't go there yet though; instead, jump all 
the way to the left and fall. This will drop you into a narrow area with a Mark
of the Gods.

-=- Back to the Crypt of the Ancients
After you complete the level, you will return to the Crypt of the Ancients and 
immediately hit a switch, which opens up a new section of the level.

-=- New Enemy: Burrowing Serpent
This is a dragon-like creature that burrows through the ground and attacks you 
with spirit beams. He can be a bit tricky to kill once he gets himself set up, 
so the best way to beat him is to be very aggressive. He takes nine hits total 
to kill, and these are broken up into three sets of three hits each. After he 
gets hit three times, he will burrow back into the ground and reappear. Right 
when you see him, run up to him and hit him three times; after he burrows and 
reappears, run up and hit him again. Keep being aggressive like this and he 
will not get a chance to hit you.

-=- Jumping Across Ladders
You will reach a large room with three ladders and two spirit launchers above 
and below the middle ladder. The best way to get to the leftmost ladder is to 
make yourself dark aligned and jump across the ladders when the light energy 
shots disappear and right before more light energy is launched. After that you 
will reach the end of the level.

-=- The Buried Empire Video Guide Link: 

[3-5] The Underground River          

-=- Managing Spirit Alignment
As you head to the left from the entrance, you will come to a large spike pit 
room with a dark platform, a light platform, a dropping light platform, and a 
moving dark platform. If you activate the dropping light platform, it will 
lower itself down. If you let it go too far, you will get hurt on the spikes. 
To get to the moving dark platform on the left, you will need to switch between
light and dark spirit alignment until you can time a jump just right onto the 
dark platform as it moves down.

-=- Two Switches and Two Doors
Follow the spirit guide and the map to find two sets of switches and doors. The
first switch happens to be by the boss gate for this series of levels, so keep 
that location in mind for later.

-=- Using a Bomb to Progress
To get through the second opened door (mentioned above), you will need to blast
apart a wall with a bomb. Under the wall is a bomb launcher that shoots bombs 
to the left. If you use an upward swing, you can hit the bomb in midair to the 
right and destroy the wall.

-=- Mark of the Gods
After the above, you will come to a room with two platforms (and will probably 
see the spirit guide sitting on a ledge to the upper left). If you wall jump to
the upper right, you will find a Mark of the Gods. 

-=- Upper Treasure Room
To the left of the Mark of the Gods room mentioned above is a larger room with 
spikes. If you wall jump up the narrow area to the upper right of this room, 
you will reach a treasure room.

-=- Energy Upgrade
You will eventually reach an easy to find energy upgrade shrine. It costs 
30,000 coins. Energy upgrades may not seem as crucial as life upgrades, but 
they are very handy to have later on when you have sustained battles with 
several enemies.

-=- Another Upper Treasure Room
There are a series of platforms which lead up to a treasure room in the upper 
right portion of the room. To the right of the platforms will be a light spirit
energy launcher (facing left); on one of the left platforms will be a dark 
spirit launcher (facing down) and a dark wall crawler.

-=- Blastable Wall next to the Life Crystal
To the right of the green life crystal is a bomb launcher. In order to get a 
bomb over to the left of the life crystal and destroy the wall, you will need 
to do a series of weapon swings: 1. hit the bomb in midair as it falls from the
launcher, 2. do a crouching weapon swing, 3. do an upward swing, and 4. hit the
bomb in midair towards the wall.

-=- Blastable Wall Treasure Room
Immediately after the life crystal area mentioned above, you'll come to another
bomb launcher. To get a bomb to the blastable wall treasure room below, you 
will need to do two crouched swings to the left, then one crouched swing to the

-=- The Underground River Video Guide Link: 

[3-6] City of the Dead       

-=- Mark of the Gods
Near the beginning of the level there is an area that is shaped like an "8" on 
that map. At the top of the eight is a Mark of the Gods. You'll need to be 
aware of your spirit alignment, because there are a set of light and dark 
launchers on both sides of the Mark of the Gods.

-=- New Enemy: Giant Spider
These act the same as their smaller cousins, but are much more dangerous 
because of the longer reach on their attack and also the larger pool of health.
A good way to deal with them is to use your power energy strike; this will stun
a giant spider and allow you to get some normal hits in.

-=- Hiding Pots In Walls
After defeating the giant spider, you'll drop down to an area to winds around 
further down. If you go to the very left of this area, you can break the wall 
and reveal a large treasure pot.

-=- Back to the Underground River
After you have the guardian key and finish the level, you will once again enter
the Underground River. Ground pound a couple of breakable stone floors, and 
then continue on to the boss gate.

-=- City of the Dead Video Guide Link: 

[B-2] Boss 2: The High Priestess     

-=- Vulnerable Area
You can only damage the priestess when you hit her upper body, not her lower 

-=- Falling Rocks
The priestess summons falling rocks from the top, then each of the sides. Use 
the yellow platforms to protect yourself. The third time she summons rocks, you
will need to jump a few times behind the yellow platform to avoid the rocks.

-=- Spirit Alignment
Each time the priestess reappears, she changes her spirit alignment. Keep this 
in mind so you can do that same.

-=- Phase 2
Phase 2 of the fight involves complete destruction of the room. You will then 
begin falling with a bunch of yellow platforms to jump on. The priestess will 
teleport around the area and you have to properly position yourself on the 
platforms in order to hit her. Remember that you can do a three-hit combo in 
the air before you start to fall.

-=- Platform-Crushing Hands
The priestess will summon giant hands to periodically crush the platforms you 
are standing on. Don't bother paying attention to the spirit alignment of the 
hands, because it doesn't matter. Just make sure you jump to a new platform 
before the hands crush the platform. A good tactic is to make one of the hands 
crush a useless platform, then jump to a useful platform where you can continue
your attacks against the priestess.

-=- Giant Super Saiyan Hands
After the priestess gets to about 1/3 life, she will summon spirit hands to the
bottom of the screen. Get ready, cause those hands are about to cover much of 
the screen with spirit energy. Whatever color the hands happen to be when they 
first appear, make sure you quickly switch to that spirit alignment. You have 
an opportunity to hit the priestess when the hands fire at the edges of the 
screen rather than the middle.

-=- The High Priestess Video Guide Link: 

[CIT!] City Levels                  

[4-1] The City Walls                            

-=- New Enemy: Bomb Calamari
There is a squid-like, flying creature that appears in this level. It drops 
bombs, just like a bomb launcher would. This enemy is actually more useful to 
you than he is dangerous, because the bombs can be used to easily kill off 
other enemies. You can also use an upward swing to throw his own bombs back up 
at him.

-=- Treasure Above, Giant Below
In the upper levels of this level (kk), you will find a series of platforms 
situated in a stair step like fashion. If you climb them, you will find a large
treasure pot. This will also allow you to bypass the giant below. If you want 
to fight him, you can (coins are always useful).

-=- New Enemy: Mace & Shield Warrior
This is a very large warrior. He is pretty much a larger version of the sword 
and shield warrior. Just the same, you cannot hurt him from the front, you have
to attack him from the back. In order to reach his back, you will need to wait 
for him to swing his weapon. He will then sit there long enough for you to jump
over him and get some hits in. Do not try to jump over him before or as he 
swings his mace though, because it is very easy to get hit.

-=- Sliding Past Vases: Mark of the Gods
You will reach a room with some dark and light platforms above you. In the 
lower right corner, you will see a couple of small vases. If you slide past 
these vases you can slide under the wall to reach a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Vases in Walls, Again
After moving up the platforms of the previously mentioned area, if you head to 
the left you will see some vases and a sword & shield warrior. Defeat him then 
break away the left wall to find a large treasure vase.

-=- Blasting Away Jellyfish
Moving on to the right of the area mentioned above, there are several dark and 
light platforms and traps in a large room that you need to get through. There 
are also a group of electrified jellyfish floating around that make it 
difficult to advance. Rather than fight these jellyfish, just use your beam 
blast energy attack to take out all the jellyfish at once when they float into 
a clumped together position.

-=- The City Walls Video Guide Link: 

[4-2] The Marketplace                               

-=- Treasure and Mark of the Gods
In the structure during the first section of this level, if you wall-jump up 
the narrow area in the middle you can reach the upper floor. To the left are 
several treasure vases; to the left is a breakable floor that gives access to a
Mark of the Gods.

-=- Coop Challenge and Lots of Small Vases
At the end of the structure, there is a ladder you can climb up. Up in this 
area you will find a long row of small vases along with the unlock for the 
"Keeper of Alignment" coop challenge.

-=- Running Through Spirit Energy and Spike Traps
Once you go inside the large structure on the right side of the level, you will
arrive at a spot with streams of dark and light spirit energy. Below the spirit
energy streams is a long corridor with lots of spike traps. After you jump from
the ladder to the left, you'll need to start running and keep on running. If 
you stop, you'll probably get hit by one of the spike traps. Because you are 
running through alternating streams of light and dark energy, you'll have to 
constantly switch your spirit alignment as you run. At the end, you'll need to 
wall jump to the next area.

After you reach the checkpoint near the finish, you can jump up to the ledge 
above the checkpoint and find some treasure vases.

-=- Platforming After the Checkerboard Spirit Energy
After you pass through the area with a checkerboard pattern of energy (which is
actually pretty easy to get through), you will come to a vertical area that 
requires you to jump on moving dark and light platforms. While doing this, you 
will also be bombarded by light and dark spirit energy balls which explode. You
may need to try multiple attempts at completing this vertical climb, because 
half of your success depends on the luck you have with the timing of the spirit
energy balls.

-=- Energy Upgrade
Wall jumping to the left, you will find an energy upgrade that costs 35,000 

-=- Ground Pounding for Coins
When you reach the last checkpoint of the level, to the left of it is a stone 
floor that can be opened by ground pounding. Treasure awaits.

-=- The Marketplace Video Guide Link: 

[4-3] The Ministry                                       

-=- Underground Life Upgrade
Early in the level you'll see a ground-poundable floor that's close to a 
vertical dark platform. Down there you will find treasure. But wait, don't 
climb back up the ladder yet! Hit the wall to the right and break it down. 
There you will see a hidden life upgrade that costs 35,000 coins.

-=- Double-Tapping Spirit Alignment
There is a room with beams of light and dark spirit energy shooting along the 
floor. There are also sets of light and dark platforms. Each set consists of a
platform, then a vertical platform (which blocks jumping), and another 
platform. In order to jump between the horizontal platforms, you'll need to 
switch to the opposite spirit energy to pass through the vertical platform, 
then switch back to the same spirit alignment in order to land safely.

-=- Treasure Cache Next to the Door Switch
There is a door switch in between two warrior statues (which you can destroy 
and get a couple of coins by the way). To the right of the switch is a floor
that you can ground pound. Inside this little hole is some treasure.

-=- Mark of the Gods
In the room with the dark and light spirit cubes (the first one), if you make 
your way up to the upper left, you'll find a small space you can slide into 
which has a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Treasure Alcove
In the second room with the dark and light spirit cubes (the one completely 
filled with them), if you make your way to the upper right there is a large 
treasure vase.

-=- They Really Like to Hide Their Vases
In the large vertical room where you are scaling several light and dark 
platforms which are moving back and forth horizontally, if you jump to the very
upper left corner of the room you'll find a large treasure vase. This is the 
same room where you reach the level exit (which is to the right).

-=- The Ministry Video Guide Link: 

[4-4] The Maze                                    

-=- Mark of the Gods
After dropping through narrow opening and falling right on top of a checkpoint,
there, you will be near the entrance of a large room to the left with spike 
pits on the ground. If you wall jump to the right of the checkpoint, there is a
Mark of the Gods waiting for you.

-=- Hitting the Axe Warrior Through the Wall
Sometimes walls are narrow enough that your weapon will reach through to the 
other side. After coming to a spot with a light and dark platform (and a 
waterfall in the background), there is a narrow wall with an axe warrior and a 
spiral spirit trap on the other side. You can kill the axe warrior by striking 
him through the wall.

-=- New Enemy: Ceiling Blob Bomb Dropper
These enemies remind me of those ceiling blobs with the tongues from Half Life 
2. These look very similar; they drop bombs just like a bomb launcher would. 
The only difference is that you can kill these.

-=- Spirit-Engulfed Treasure
Given the maze-like nature of this level, it's a little hard for me to describe
exactly where things are, but I'll try. Especially since I am now talking about
the actual maze part of the level. I suggest you check out the video guide link
for this level if you haven't yet, because seeing things visually will really 
help out in locating secrets.

Anyway, this treasure is located behind a dark energy cube, which you need to 
fall through in light alignment. Head a little to the right, and you will find 
a large treasure vase that is getting bombarded with streams of light and dark 
spirit energy.

-=- Switch-Activated Treasure
After falling through a narrow light energy-engulfed drop, there will be a 
small vase in the bottom right corner. You can slide under the wall here, then 
proceed to break the right wall by hitting it while crouched. Inside is a 
switch that can be pressed to lower a large treasure vase.

-=- Bombs Cause Vases to Break
The third major treasure cache in the maze. Wall jump up a narrow vertical path
(which has a blob bomb dropper at the top) and hit the switch to the left. This
will drop a bomb in the small room below you, which not only breaks the floor 
but also frees up some coins. Drop down and you will find the coinds next to 
the checkpoint.

-=- Mini-Boss: Giant Sword & Shield Warrior (Dark)
After you hit the switch in the maze that opens the exit, you will come face-to
-face with a very large warrior. You cannot jump over him, so this will be a 
fight completely from the front.

His main attack is when he swings his sword at you. This attack has a large 
swing arc and can surpise you with its range if you are not careful. When you 
see him draw his sword back with his left arm, you had better get out of the 
way because he strikes fairly quick.

Since his shield completely protects his upper body, you'll need to crouch down
and strike at his legs. Once you do that, he'll raise his shield and slam the 
ground with it. After dodging this attack, his face will be exposed to attack.
When this happens, jump up and strike at his face.

His other attack involves him hiding behind his shield for a moment, then 
bringing his head back up over his shield and shooting a beam of spirit energy.
Assuming that the beam is the opposite spirit alignment of the warrior, you can
jump right through the spirit energy and hit him in the face. If the spirit 
energy is the same alignment as the warrior, then you'll have to wait it out.

-=- Treasure After the Mini-Boss
After defeating the giant warrior and riding the yellow platform up, you can 
continue upwards by wall-jumping up. This takes you to several treasure vases.

-=- The Maze Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    The Maze Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

[4-5] The Flower Gardens                               

-=- Treasure Below Treasure
After initially wall jumping up the right wall near the beginning of the level,
you will see a row of vases to the left. After breaking all of these, you can 
drop down off the left ledge and find more vases below and to the right.

-=- Mark of the Gods
There is a wall jumping area which has vertical light platforms on the left and
vertical dark platforms on the right. In the raised space above those vertical 
platforms is a Mark of the Gods. You will need to switch your spirit alignment 
in the middle of wall jumping in order to wall jump off of both sets of 

-=- Just Duck
At one point in the level as you continue your long vertical ascent, there will
be a dark platform that moves from left to right towards a ladder. There is 
also a dark vertical platform that somewhat blocks your path while standing on 
the horizontal dark platform. Your first instinct may be to jump up and quickly
switch your spirit alignment, but don't. Instead, just crouch and you will 
avoid the vertical platform completely.

-=- Jumping Without a Parachute
At the top left of the level you will come to a switch that opens doors in the 
floor. You need to jump off and fall through the open doors. This causes you to
fall for a very long distance; the problem you'll quickly encounter is that 
there are many light and dark spirit traps along the way. You'll need to pay 
close attention and have your spirit alignment ready to change, because the 
light and dark energy is not arranged in a regular pattern.

-=- Treasure in The Maze
After completing the level, you will return to The Maze level. The exit to the 
next level is behind a wall that you need to use the charge ability to get to.
However, before you do that, use the yellow platform that is right next to the 
charge wall and exit. As you take the platform upwards, about halfway between 
the top and bottom is a breakable wall on the left. Through that breakable wall
is a shield & mace warrior, a couple of spirit traps, and some treasure.

-=- The Flower Gardens video Guide Link: 

[4-6] The Forgotten Quarter                       

-=- Treasure, But No Launching
After climbing down a ladder, there is a charge wall to the right. After 
breaking through it with the charge ability, you'll find a few small vases. 
You'll also see some launch pads, but since you don't have the launch ability 
yet, you can't use them.

-=- Platformed Treasure
Near the bottom left of the level is a room with a spirit trap that launches 
rings of both dark and light energy. There are also a couple of warriors in the
room and a light platform, a yellow platform, and a dark platform. The yellow 
platform has a large vase on it. You can get to it by jumping on one of the 
platforms as the spirit trap shoots energy of the same alignment as the 
platform. Somehow I have managed to make the word "platform" line up three 
times on the left edge of this paragraph. Anywho, if you use an upward swing on
the vase it will help to avoid having all of the coins scatter around the room 

-=- Mark of the Gods
Immediately to the right of the room mentioned above is a Mark of the Gods in a
narrow slit of a room. Can you guess how to get it? That's right, you need to 
ground pound. Er, I mean you need to wall jump.

-=- Life Upgrade
Inside the really large room in the bottom left section of the level, there are
a bunch of platforms to jump on. As you jump on these platforms, you will see a
charge wall to the right. Charge through it and you will find a life upgrade 
that costs 40,000 coins.

-=- 2nd Mini-Boss: Giant Sword & Shield Warrior (Light)
This is the same mini-boss from the maze level, except he is light alignment 
rather than dark alignment. The strategy to beat him is the same, so just 
scroll up a little to The Maze level section if you need to read tactics for 
beating him.

-=- The Spirit Cannon Room
In the mid right section of the level, you'll come to a room filled with light 
and dark platforms. The room also includes a full complement of spirit cannons 
that alternate between firing light and dark energy. In order to not fall and 
not get hurt, all you have to do is coordinate your platform jumping along with
the spirit alignment of the cannons. Just make sure you are standing on 
platforms of the same alignment as the energy the cannons are firing at you.

-=- Forgotten Quarter Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    Forgotten Quarter Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

[B-3] Boss 3: Mother of Eyes                           

The Mother of Eyes is a really, really big spider.

-=- Beating the First Room
In order to move on from the first room with the Mother of Eyes, you'll need to
do a few tasks. First, use the vertical platforms to wall jump up to the upper 
level and break down both of the breakable walls. Breaking these first will 
make the next step much easier. Now hit the switch at the bottom left of the 
room. This activates two switches on both sides of the upper level (they have 
glowing light that radiates upward). You need to ground pound each of these 
switches on the upper level. They have a timer, so you can't take your time. 
While you are doing all of this, the Mother of Eyes is shooting web-shaped 
spirit energy at you. In order to avoid damage from this, you'll need to be 
dark aligned so that you can fit in between the light sections of the spirit 
web. After you hit both switches, you'll move on to the next stage of the 

-=- New Enemy: Small Spider
Small spiders will approach you, pause for a second, then leap at you. It's 
best to crouch when getting close to them, because not only is that the only 
way to hit them since they are so low on the ground, but it also prevents you 
from getting hit by their leap attack.

-=- Extra Health
While moving through the caverns to the next part of the fight, you'll come to 
a long drop with a ladder in the middle of it. To the right of the top of this 
ladder is a small area with a spider in it. After killing the spider, ground 
pound the floor. This reveals some small vases with two hearts for your life.

-=- Layout & Room Functions
Phase 2 of the fight has you battling in a new room with two switches and a 
cannon in the middle. The switches control which direction the cannon faces 
(left, middle, right); hitting the cannon makes it fire energy aligned with the
current spirit alignment of your hero. The spider will appear in each of the 
three locations throughout the battle and you need to position the cannon 
accordingly to get a shot off.

-=- After Getting Shot, She Gets Mad
Every time you hit the Mother of Eyes with the cannon she will shoot a crazy 
amount of light and dark energy into the room (which you can easily avoid on 
the edges of the room) and then jumps into the middle of the room. She will do 
a systematic stomping pattern with her legs, which you have to avoid in order 
to reach the cannon and fire it (make sure it is in the middle position by the 
way). The first time you can just walk under her legs, but the second and third
time she speeds the pattern up; when that happens, you'll have to slide under 
her legs rather than run.

-=- There's More To Do?
After you hit her with the cannon again, she'll jump up to the top of the 
screen and start shooting lots of web-shaped energy bursts. The tops of the two
columns in the room begin to glow, indicating that you need to ground stomp 
them just like you did in the first room.

-=- Spawning The Babies
The Mother of Eyes will begin to drop spiders from the left and right side of 
the level. You may be tempted to try and shoot her at this point, but don't. 
There isn't enough time to get a proper shot off. Rather than do that, make 
sure the cannon is aimed at the middle position and wait her out. Kill the 
spiders she drops too. After dropping the spiders, she will reappear in the 
middle and begin shooting webs again. Activate the cannon as soon as you see 
her appear in the middle.

-=- Mother of Eyes Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    Mother of Eyes Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

[SKY!] Sky Levels                                            

[5-1] The Ice Cave                                         

-=- Treasure Both Left And Right
After reaching the first checkpoint, there is a hole in the ground with a light
energy trap above it (which sprays light energy all over the place). If you 
drop down the hole you can go to both the right side and the left side to find 
some treasure.

-=- New Enemy: Spitting Spiders
These are small spiders that spit spirit energy at you. They will attempt to 
stay away from you and shoot you from a distance. Run up to them quickly and 
hit them with a crouched swing.

-=- Iced-In Treasure
There is a large area with a lowered floor; above it are a few light and dark 
platforms. If you hit the left side of this lowered area, you can break the 
wall down and reveal two large vases.

-=- Energy Upgrade + Large Vase
In the upper right section of the level, you can wall jump up to a series of 
stationary platforms which head to the left. At the end of these platforms is 
an energy upgrade that costs 40,000 coins. There is also a large vase.

-=- The Ice Cave Video Guide Link: 

[5-2] Proving Grounds                                    

-=- New Enemy: The Annoying Mage
The mage sends out the same kind of shockwaves that the golem made in the first
boss fight. He'll begin shooting them as soon as he sees you. Once you get 
close to him, he will teleport away to a different location. Sometimes he will 
hit you with his staff first, then teleport away. The best way I've found to 
deal with mages is to just use a power strike on them. It makes things much 
more simple, especially if there are multiple enemies around.

-=- Who's been hiding these things anyway?
In a large room with four sections of "floating" ground arranged in a square-
like pattern, if you wall jump along the left side and get to a little space in
the upper left corner of the room, there will be a breakable wall. Behind it 
are three large vases.

-=- Blow Him Away
In the upper right corner of the room mentioned above, there will be a path you
need to take. However, a mage is sitting right in it. To jump up there with him
would be rather difficult to do without taking damage; so instead of doing 
that, just blast him with your energy beam instead.

-=- Mark of the Gods
While moving to the left, you will eventually come upon a vertical room with a 
spike pit. Above the spike pit is a light platform which activates if you step 
on it with light alignment. To the right of the platform is an exploding 
armadillo waiting to, well, explode on you. If you use the light platform, you 
can jump to the left at the top and find a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Wait, don't leave yet!
Using the same light platform mentioned above, make it go to the top of its 
vertical path again and jump to the right. Three large vases await you.

-=- New Enemy: The Alignment Fish
This new enemy is a flying fish that changes its spirit alignment every couple 
of seconds. It only takes one hit to kill, but its spirit alignment will 
determine what happens after that. If you are opposite to it, it will drop 
coins and such. If you are the same alignment, it will explode and shoot light 
and dark energy in all directions.

-=- The Well-Guarded Switch
After hitting the switch in what I like to call the "Alignment Fish Room", a 
door is opened to a room with a well-guarded switch. There are some warriors, 
a light energy trap that sprays all over, and several dark energy traps that 
shoot downward. It's best to take out the warriors first so you don't have to 
worry about them. After that, you can make your way up to the switch by timing 
your spirit alignment with the energy bursts. The switch opens a door to your 
left, which leads to the exit.

-=- Proving Grounds Video Guide Link: 

[5-3] Holy Mountain                                     

-=- New Enemy: The Power Flower
A new flower enemy shows up in this level. It is a much tougher cousin than the
flower enemies you've met so far. It takes four hits to kill, it shoots four 
streams of multi-colored spirit energy, and it is only vulnerable to damage 
every few seconds or so as it opens and closes its petals. The best place to be
in order to hit it is in between the energy streams on either side of it.

-=- Skipping Free Coins Is Bad
Around the lower middle section of the map are several platforms leading to the
the right. If you drop down below them and head to the right, you'll come to a 
large vase and a couple of small vases.

-=- Hidden Treasure: This Seems Familiar
As you go up the platforms (mentioned above) and head to the right, you'll come
to a drop into a small room (this will be just before you jump up to a higher 
area). If you hit the left wall of this small room, you will break down the 
wall. Through there and down the ladder you will find a treasure room guarded 
by several spirit traps.

-=- Holy Mountain Video Guide Link: 

[5-4] The Haunted Hills                                

-=- Just Don't Switch Alignment
At the beginning of the level there will be a room with dark spirit traps on 
the ceiling and light spikes underneath the floor. You will need to stay light-
aligned so that the spikes stay down.

-=- Jump With Your Spirit, Not Their Spirit
Further on from the room mentioned above is a room with spikes, light and dark 
platforms, and spirit traps. There are spirit traps lined up directly above 
each of the three platforms. The best way to jump on the platforms is to wait 
for the alternating spirit traps to shoot energy that is the same alignment of 
the platform (and likewise you). At the end of these obstacles will be a 
waiting mage; just jump up to him and use a power strike to make it easy to 
eliminate him.

-=- Light Sliding
As you enter the large open space on the right side of the level, you will 
first have to go through two dark spirit traps and a light spirit trap in 
between them. The easiest way to get through them is to be light-aligned and 
then wait for the dark spirit traps to stop shooting; when they do, slide past 
the area they are aimed at.

-=- Mini-Boss: The Non-Winged Serpent
After hitting a light switch, this mini-boss serpent appears. On the left is 
his tail and on the right is his head. Stay away from his tail and try to keep 
to the mid-right. The serpent's head will blast you with spirit beams and the 
tail will launch spirit shots. The serpent likes to change his spirit 
alignment, so sometimes you will have to deal with the head shooting a spirit 
beam of one alignment and spirit shots falling from above that are of another 
alignment. In that situation the best thing to do is be aligned with the spirit
beam so that you can easily position yourself to avoid the shots from above.

There is a simple pattern to hurting the serpent: whenever he shoots the beam 
to the left, get under him and use upward swings to hit his head from below. 
When he shoots the beam directly under him, jump up to the left of his head and
do air combos. Keep doing this repeatedly and he won't last long.

-=- Mark of the Gods
Right after you get the launch ability, you can use it to launch yourself up to
the upper right section of the level and find a ledge with a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Do hidden areas surprise you any more?
In the middle-middle section of the map (i.e. vertical and horizontal middle) 
is a platforming area that moves you up to the upper level. In the lower left 
corner you will see an ice formation (which you can hit for a coin if you 
like); slide in this spot to find some coins.

-=- Life Upgrade
Make your way to the very top right of the upper middle section of the map and 
you will find some treasure and a life upgrade, which costs 45,000 coins.

-=- Coop Challenge
In the upper left edge of the map is a coop challenge unlock for the "Shared 
Spirit" challenge. You will need to use launch pads to reach it.

-=- The Haunted Hills Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

-=- Backtracking for Treasure
Near the middle-left of the map, there is a launch pad that couldn't be used 
before (to the right of a checkpoint). It will give access to some coins.

    The Haunted Hills Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

[RET!] Return to Holy Mountain                  

-=- Backtracking to Launch Pads: Coinage
In the lower middle section of the map is a teleporter. If you use the two 
launch pads near it, you can find some coins on the top platform.

-=- Backtracking to Launch Pads: Mark of the Gods
In the left side of the map is a single launch pad which couldn't be used 
before. If you use it and do some wall jumping, you'll find a Mark of the Gods 
(past the flower to the right).

-=- Energy Upgrade
Near the upper right section of the level you will see an almost-enclosed, 
floating room. There is an energy upgrade (45,000 coins) that can be reached by
using the launch pad.

-=- Don't Be Hasty
On the upper left section of the map, before you use a launch pad to move even 
higher, take a glance to the left of the launch pad: treasure vases await.

-=- Return to Holy Mountain Video Guide Link: 

[5-5] The Mist-Shrouded Forest                    

-=- Launch Pad -> Mark of the Gods
Near the beginning of the level is a room filled with spikes that you can drop 
into. There is also a launch pad and a Mark of the Gods. The basic idea is: use
the launch pad to launch to the right (which grabs the Mark of the Gods), wall 
jump back to the launch pad to the left, then use the launch pad to launch up.

-=- Door Switch Warrior
Before reaching the door switch, there is a raised area to the left of it 
surrounded by spike pits. There is also a dark warrior and a dark spirit trap 
right above him. Rather than try to fight this battle, just take the easy way 
out: be dark-aligned, jump on the platform when the warrior's back is turned, 
then use a power strike to take him out in one hit.

-=- Dark Platform, Light Spirit Trap
Above the room that held the Mark of the Gods (mentioned above) is a dark 
platform that takes you to a higher area. The problem with this is that there 
is a light spirit trap shooting directly on top of the dark platform. In order 
to reach the top without taking damage or falling off, you'll need to stand on 
the dark platform (you are dark-aligned obviously) and watch for the light 
energy. When you see it, wait for it to be in range of your jump height; when 
it is, jump up and quickly switch to light alignment. This will make the light 
energy be absorbed and disappear. Before you land back on the platform, quickly
change back to dark alignment. Repeat this until you reach the top.

-=- 2nd Mark of the Gods
If you travel to the left from the top of the dark platform's movement 
(mentioned above), you will find a Mark of the Gods tucked away in the corner.

-=- Jumping Ladders In These Conditions?
In the middle-middle of the map is a room with four ladders, a light spirit
trap and a dark spirit trap. The spirit traps spray energy all over the place,
and lots of it overlaps around the middle-right ladder. To get past the area 
that overlaps, you'll need to start out dark-aligned. Jump over to the second 
ladder and wait at the top until the dark energy dissipates. Immediately after 
that you can switch to light alignment and jump over to the next ladder.

-=- Launch Pads A Plenty
You will reach an area with launch pads that form an upside-down "U". If you 
launch yourself to the right when you reach the upper right launch pad, you'll 
be able to jump on the platforms above the launch pads and reach coins to the 

-=- Tricky Spike Trap
On the middle left side of the map, there is a room with a variety of spirit 
traps and spikes. There is an area you jump over that has two spirit traps 
(one light the other dark) that spray their energy so that the pattern curves 
upward. When you jump over these traps (and over the dark platform below) you 
will land on ground that is seemingly safe. However, there is a spike trap that
covers most of the ground except a little bit of space on the right. I managed 
to forget about this trap a few times and it kept catching me off guard. Note 
its location when you see it, because you may need to jump in that area more 
than once.

-=- Warrior's Treasure
In the middle left of the map are some treasure vases. You reach the area by 
launching yourself with a pad to the right (which is sitting above a spike 
pit). Warriors are walking around the vases, so be ready to fight.

-=- A Switch and Vases
Below the areas mentioned above is a switch (that opens a door near the launch 
pad and spike pit). If you wall jump up on top of the columns that are on 
either side of the switch, you will find coins.

-=- 3rd Mark of the Gods
After hitting the switch mentioned above, you can make your way to the left. 
Before going back up to the upper level and entering the newly opened door, you
should jump up the platforms in the bottom middle room of the map. If you use 
the launch pad to launch yourself to the square platform to the left, you will 
find a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Treasure to the Left, Exit to the Right
Before exiting the level on the uppermost level, head to the left and grab the 
treasure first. Then you can proceed to the right and enter the Dark Fortress.

-=- The Mist-Shrouded Forest Video Guide Link: 

[5-6] Dark Fortress                                   

-=- Launching for Coins
Use the launch pad at the beginning of the level to launch to the left and find
a few treasure vases (don't miss the one on the floating platform).

-=- Dropping Below Obstacles
There are several instances in all of the levels coming up where there are 
several obstacles or enemies you have to get through and below those obstacles 
is a lower ground level. Often when you go down to these areas you will find 
some vases to break open (and usually a few enemies). One such area is the room
directly to the right of the room mentioned above.

-=- We're Still Talking About This Room?
Yes we are. To get through the obstacles, which consists of launch pads that go
through a series of spirit traps, you will need to switch out your spirit 
alignment as you move through the spirit traps' lines of sight. At the end you 
will be launched right in front of a mage. Use a power strike on him as soon as
you land.

-=- From the Door Switch and Into the Abyss: Life Upgrade + Coins
After hitting the door switch on the right side of the level, drop down and 
keep heading to the right. You'll not only find some coins along the way, but 
you will also reach a life upgrade shrine (50,000 coins).

-=- Launching Without Getting Spiked
In the middle of the level is a large vertical room. It is here that you have 
to use launch pads to reach a ladder. However, there are spikes to the right of
the ladder. You can make these spikes disappear by being dark-aligned, which 
allows you to wall jump to the ladder.

-=- Mark of the Gods
In the area to the right of the second door switch are a couple of launch pads.
Use these to launch up towards the Mark of the Gods and wall jump off the right

-=- Drop Down
If you look at the map in the upper section of the level, you will notice a 
lonely platform to the left of the second door switch. You can't reach this 
platform from ground level, so you will need to drop down from the upper level.
At that point, you will need to launch yourself to the right with the launch 
pad. The platform holds a large vase.

-=- The Upper Left
In the upper left section of the level, you can use a series of launch pads to 
reach a few vases at the far left wall.

-=- The Guardian Key
The guardian key is held in a room at the very top of the level. Launching 
yourself into the room will require good timing, because there are spirit traps
of both light and dark guarding the entrance. Inside is a mage that you should 
quickly take out with either a power strike or energy beam. Once you grab the 
key, you can head over to the boss gate.

-=- Dark Fortress Video Guide Link: 

[B-4] Boss 4: The Winged Serpent                  

-=- Phase 1
The first phase of this fight involves you running for your life as the serpent
destroys the level behind you. For anyone that's played enough 2-D platformers,
this kind of scenario should be old hat. There are two instances of this 
running phase, with a short break in between them. 

Get ready to do lots of spirit alignment changes, because you will be jumping 
on light and dark platforms as well as running through light and dark spirit 
traps. There are also some barriers that you will need to slide under (although
you can jump over the short barriers). There are also vases scattered about the
platforms, but don't bother with breaking them because they will only slow you 

In the second half of the running phase, the serpent will begin to destroy 
little parts of the level in front of you. This may catch you off guard, but 
isn't too bad because he doesn't far enough ahead of you that there is enough 
time to adjust. There are also plenty of launch pads in the second half, but 
you should be used to those by now. Near the end you will come up to a pair of 
spirit spikes; just switch your spirit alignment before you land on those 

-=- Phase 2
You are now on the serpent's back and spirit bombs are falling all around you. 
Hitting spirit bombs of the opposite alignment with your weapon will not hurt 
you (the opposite is not true). Light and dark glowing spots will appear on the
serpent's back, which you need to ground pound as the opposite alignment. After
the first set is destroyed, spirit energy will begin shooting down on the 
spots. This makes it more difficult to ground pound them, but just be patient 
and wait for an opportune moment to strike.

After you hit the spots enough times, the serpent's head will become vulnerable
to damage. Once you strike his head enough times, he will die. If at any point 
you start to run low on life, begin to stand in place and use upward swings to 
take out the bombs of opposite alignment to you. The bombs drop hearts every 
now and then, so this can be a good way to recover life.

-=- The Winged Serpent Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    The Winged Serpent Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

[ETE!] Eternity Levels                                  

[6-1] At the Shores of Time                              

-=- Eternally In Limbo
All of the enemies in each of the Eternity levels will constantly alternate 
between dark and light energy alignment every few seconds. This can even occur 
in the middle of your three-hit combo, so be prepared to bail out of a 
situation at any moment.

-=- Even Eternity Has Coins To Spare
Near the beginning, before jumping up to the upper level, head to the far right
wall and slide into the corner. This reveals a secret room and some vases.

-=- Mark of the Gods
If you wall jump up the narrow area in the upper left section of the level, you
can jump over to the right and find a Mark of the Gods.

-=- Launch Pad -> Treasure
On the upper right side of the level is a checkpoint. To the right of that 
checkpoint is a launch pad that leads to some coins.

-=- Launch Pad -> Treasure #2
After ground pounding the floor out (which is near the checkpoint mentioned 
above), there is a launch pad immediately underneath which you can use to 
launch to the left and grab some coins.

-=- Treasure Amongst Spirit Traps & Spiders
Under the Launch Pad area mentioned above is a room with a few spirit traps. If
you go to the ground level, you will find four large vases to break open.

-=- Energy Upgrade
Around the bottom right section of the level is an energy upgrade. You'll need 
to ground pound the floor in order to reach it. 50,000 coins.

-=- Two More Large Vases
Near the exit is one last platform with two large vases. Use the launch pad to 
reach the platform, and once you land be sure that you are ready to use a power
strike to stop the sword warrior from charging you.

-=- At the Shores of Time Video Guide Link: 

[6-2] Tower of Eternity                                    

-=- Ground Level Treasure
At the start of the level you will see a stream of dark spirit energy that 
looks like a large chain. If you drop down to the ground level past that, you 
will find vases waiting for you to break them open.

-=- Mark of the Gods
In the upper left room of the level is a Mark of the Gods. This room is reached
by using the two launch pads in the air to the left of it.

-=- Another Spirit Trap Pattern
Once you take a ladder down to a room near the middle of the level, there are a
series of spirit traps arranged so that there are three dark traps with one 
light trap above them. Stay dark-aligned and ignore the dark energy. Use the 
slide ability to avoid the waves of light energy (slide three times total).

-=- Platforming For Treasure
After opening the door to the upper left (that's right next to a checkpoint), 
jump along the platforms to the right. A large vase is waiting at the end.

-=- Not An Easy Ride
Head back over to the dark and light platforms that are just outside the opened
door. You are safe on the light platforms, but there are two dark platforms 
which have a constant barrage of light energy on them. You can avoid this while
dark-aligned by quickly moving back and forth on top of the dark platform.

-=- Treasure + Energy Upgrade
In the middle right edge of the map is an energy upgrade (55,000 coins). In 
front of it is a lower room you can drop into to find vases. I actually did not
have enough coins when I found this energy upgrade, so you may need to plan on
farming some out between levels if you are reading this ahead of time.

-=- Last Obstacle Before The Exit
Before reaching the exit, there is a series of ladders you'll have to jump 
across. All the while, you will be shot by light spirit cannons. These track 
your every movement, so it's forced upon you to always be light alignment 
while in this room. That's okay though, because it means you only have to 
concentrate on the dark energy while jumping across ladders.

-=- Tower of Eternity Video Guide Link: 

[6-3] Trail of Tears                                    

-=- Door Switch Treasure
Make sure you grab the treasure that can be grabbed near the first door switch 
by jumping up the platforms to the left.

-=- Mini-Boss: Giant Sword & Shield Warrior Part 3
This is the same dude you've seen before, the main difference is that since you
are in an Eternity level, his spirit alignment will constantly switch 
throughout the fight. This can create some awkward moments for you, but doesn't
increase the difficulty that much.

-=- Mark of the Gods: The Best Item Ever
In the upper left section of the level are some platforms to jump across. If 
you drop to the platform that's below (and in between) the first and second 
platforms, you'll find a Mark of the Gods. This is no ordinary Mark of the Gods
though! This one grants you the ability to see all of the treasure vases on the
map. Wow! It's too bad it comes so late in the game.

-=- Large Vases Are Easy To Find From Now On
Now that you have the vases revealed on the map screen, it's a simple matter to
find them from here on out. There are a couple of tricky locations in the next 
level, but I'll point them out.

-=- Trail of Tears Video Guide Link: 

[6-4] The End of All Things                            

-=- Spike Traps With Beams Going Through Them
In the middle of the level is an area with several light and dark spike traps. 
The dark spike traps have dark energy streaming into them. To pass this area 
you will need to jump and immediately switch spirit alignment so that you can 
position yourself above the new landing spaces (where spikes used to be).

-=- Cheap Enemy Kill
At the end of the spike traps mentioned above, there is a sword & shield enemy 
on some raised ground. If you stand next to the edge of that spot (below him), 
you can use upward swings to kill him when he turns around. There is another 
spot later on where you can do this too.

-=- Mark of the Gods
Using the launch pads to the left of the position mentioned above, you can 
launch up to the higher part of the room and find a Mark of the Gods.

-=- The Lower Right Room
This room has a few spirit traps, but is easy enough if you are correctly 
aligned. Since your most pressing concern is the light traps that shoot 
horizontally, you'll want to stay light-aligned. This frees you up to just move
in between the dark energy.

-=- Tricky Vases #1
In the upper-right section of the level you will see some vases in a small, 
enclosed room. As you approach it, you will see a wall instead of a room. Just 
jump up towards the wall and it will vanish. Grab the vases.

-=- Coop Challenge
Just below the last door switch in the level is a coop challenge portal. Make 
sure you touch it to unlock the "Two of a Kind" challenge.

-=- Tricky Vases #2
After getting the guardian key and before exiting the level, ground pound the 
stone floor just in front of the exit door. This reveals the location of the 
large vases that probably puzzled you at the beginning of the level.

-=- The End of All Things Video Guide Link: 

[B-5] Final Boss: The Sisters                      

The battle area is made up of several floating platforms that circle around the
Sisters, who are in the direct middle of the area. Battle conditions change 
throughout each of the six phases of the fight.

-=- Phase 1
The first phase begins with the spraying out waves of light and dark spirit 
energy, which covers the entire screen. It alternates between light and dark, 
so it's fairly easy to predict since it's a relatively simple pattern. Coming 
out from the Sisters' location are several beams of spirit energy with weak 
points on the end of them. Strike each weak point three times to cause it to 
disappear. Be aware that the weak points do change spirit alignment. After all 
weak points have been destroyed, the next phase begins.

-=- Phase 2
The Sisters begin to create energy shields around them, which alternate between
light and dark alignment. In this phase you have to attack the Sisters 
directly. You'll need to hit both of them nine times. Make sure you attack them
when the appropriately aligned energy shield is up, and back away before the 
next energy shield appears. Remember that you can do a three-hit combo in the 
air before your character begins to fall.

-=- Phase 3
Phase 3 is similar to Phase 1, with a few crucial differences. For one thing, 
the spirit energy that the Sisters are using against you takes on a new and 
much more deadly pattern. It's a spiral that turns around the entire level, one
half is light while the other half is dark. Another new change is that the weak
point beams are now of varying lengths, some short and some long. Both of these
changes combine to make navigation around the area much more difficult. It's 
very easy to get distracted by one danger and then get caught completely off 
guard as another danger hits you. The first thing you'll have to get used to is
constantly changing your spirit alignment with the speed of the giant spiral 
pattern coming out of the Sisters. After doing that, you can concentrate more 
easily on jumping from platform to platform and taking out the weak points. The
long weak points are a bit tricky, but a safe bet is to take them out at the 
very top of the level.

-=- Phase 4
Phase 4 is similar to Phase 2 in the same manner that Phase 3 is similar to 
Phase 1. The new change to Phase 4 is that the shield protecting the Sisters is
now made up of a couple of spinning rings, one being light and the other being 
dark. This means you'll have to be a bit quicker on your feet than you had to 
in Phase 2, but overall it's not that much more difficult.

-=- Phase 5
Phase 5 is similar to Phase 3. The main difference between the two is that now 
the platforms and the weak points are spinning around the level at a faster 
speed. This means you'll have to time your jumps more precisely, but doesn't 
increase the difficulty that much. The other difference is that now the Sisters
are shooting a barrage of light and dark energy in all directions. This was 
actually much easier for me to deal with than was the giant spiral pattern, but
your mileage may vary. Another difference that seems to be unique to Phase 5 is
that the weak points now seem to drop hearts when you destroy them. Considering
that you have probably been hit at least a few times by now, this is very 

-=- Phase 6
Phase 6 is similar to (you guessed it) Phase 4. The major difference is the 
shield pattern the Sisters use to protect themselves. It's a set of two 
complete spirals, one dark and one light. The curves at the end of the spirals 
mean that there is very little space to get your hits in; if you are having 
trouble with getting hit, then limit your attacks to just three-hit air combos 
and then back away. Because there is constant danger of coming into contact 
with the opposite alignment, you'll need to also be ready to switch spirit 
alignment at any time. Strike each of the Sisters in the same manner as before,
and the battle will end!

-=- The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 1): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 2): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 3): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 4): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 5): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 6): 

[VID!] Video Appendix


-=- Story Introduction Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Story Begins Video Guide Link: 

-=- Rites of Passage Video Guide Link: 

-=- Crossroads of the World (and 30,000 Years Ago) Video Guide Link: 


-=- Jungle Lowlands Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Cursed Forest Video Guide Link: 

-=- Jungle Highlands Video Guide Link: 

-=- Above the Canopy Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Golem Video Guide Link: 


-=- The World Beneath Video Guide Link: 

-=- Lost Passageways Video Guide Link: 

-=- Crypt of the Ancients Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Buried Empire Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Underground River Video Guide Link: 

-=- City of the Dead Video Guide Link: 

-=- The High Priestess Video Guide Link: 


-=- The City Walls Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Marketplace Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Ministry Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Maze Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    The Maze Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

-=- The Flower Gardens video Guide Link: 

-=- Forgotten Quarter Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    Forgotten Quarter Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

-=- Mother of Eyes Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    Mother of Eyes Video Guide Link (Part 2): 


-=- The Ice Cave Video Guide Link: 

-=- Proving Grounds Video Guide Link: 

-=- Holy Mountain Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Haunted Hills Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    The Haunted Hills Video Guide Link (Part 2): 

-=- Return to Holy Mountain Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Mist-Shrouded Forest Video Guide Link: 

-=- Dark Fortress Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Winged Serpent Video Guide Link (Part 1): 

    The Winged Serpent Video Guide Link (Part 2): 


-=- At the Shores of Time Video Guide Link: 

-=- Tower of Eternity Video Guide Link: 

-=- Trail of Tears Video Guide Link: 

-=- The End of All Things Video Guide Link: 

-=- The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 1): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 2): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 3): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 4): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 5): 

    The Sisters video Guide Link (Phase 6): 

[MIS!] Miscellaneous & Legal

Random trivia about this guide:
Osama Bin Laden's death was announced while I was working on the Eternity 
levels section of the guide. 

GetJesse can be found on the web at:




If you'd like to make a gift or donation for my work, you can do so through 
PayPal. Just send it through PayPal to thisisgetjesse@gmail.com and I would be 
very grateful. Note that it is "ThisIsGetJesse", not just "GetJesse"; someone 
has already taken that name. Also please note that I am NOT asking you to send 
me anything, I am only putting it on the table for those that want the option.

You can contact me at thisisgetjesse@gmail.com or alternatively through private
message on YouTube to GetJesse. I am a busy person, so please be patient with 
replies and also please only contact me if you really need to. I do not give 
gaming advice through these means of contact, sorry. :-)

This document is copyright 2011 Jesse Elliott, otherwise known as "GetJesse" on
the web. Do not steal or alter my work. All rights reserved.

Source: gamershell 

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